In magical work specificity is paramount. Vague intentions and applications can leave too broad a range for our results to manifest, in which case we might end up getting sort of what we hoped for, but ultimately faced with disappointing outcomes.
To be clear, this is going to happen at times. Many forces are at work within and around you at all times. Good form, strong will, use of proper correspondences and timing can help you mitigate resistance and opposition but sometimes you may still fall short.
Some teachers will tell you to be less than succinct about your intentions and allow the universe the flexibility to give you what it knows you need or what is possible in the context. They’ll caution against being too specific and demanding, while simultaneously avoiding total ambiguity.
How do I interpret this or what do I recommend?
Be willing to accept that you aren’t always going to trump the myriad forces and fortunes at work within and around you and sometimes you can’t have things exactly your way but work your magic as if your will is to be done verbatim.
Consider that a magically supercharged version of the mundane maxim “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.” Go for what you want without apology, but train your heart and mind to accept that life is a sometimes win, sometimes lose, and sometimes draw kind of game.
Just my five and a half cents. (inflation ya’ll)
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