Magic Words
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Incantation: Making Magic with only Your Words

Making Magic

Most of the time magic involves not only words for conveying your intentions and directing magical forces, but also material components for raising specific kinds of energy and actions like lighting a candle, tearing a sheet of paper, or throwing a coin (for examples) to trigger magical reactions. However, you can absolutely perform and enact magic using your words and nothing more.

Are you able to make magic with words due to the inherently magical nature of some words? This is a topic of much debate, but I will that, while some words are more magical than others, all words possess certain magic.

The process of combining symbols that translate to phonics that make words which in turn define ideas, identify things, and convey complicated feelings is nothing short of fantastic. The fact that were are used to such technology makes it no less miraculous.

It’s More About the Speaker

Furthermore every word you speak has power. This is true because of the innate power of speech and intention. Things you say can influence whether the listener has a good or bad day whether they make a purchase, how they treat others, even what they believe about reality.

There are special words that conjure certain energies or deliver more power than other words. These are important in magic, but I don’t know if the true potential of such words can be tapped and unleashed by a person who isn’t either magically trained or naturally inclined to magic.

Rather than leave your results to the allegedly magical nature of special words, you should learn the methods for conjuring magical forces and channeling that magic through your words. Like most things involved with the practice of magic this is simple, though perhaps not easy.

I mean to say the procedure is straightforward enough but will call for varying levels of focus and discipline plus require practice.

  1. Be sure you are in a magical state.
  2. Know clearly what you desire.
  3. Intend to have what you desire.
  4. Project as much emotion and willpower into the desire, intent, and every word of the incantation.
  5. Speak or sing like an artist, poet, public speaker, preacher, wizard, et al. Put conviction, power, and spirit into the recitation of the incantation.
  6. Let it go. When you are finished, be finished, Don’t go back and pick at it or fret over it. Your unconscious mind and the magical forces you have unleashed will take over from here. Your conscious part is done, so leave it be.

Simple. Maybe not easy, but doable.

I see a lot of people say things about when it’s “ok” or “appropriate” to use magic. This is usually virtue-signaling nonsense and I don’t buy into it.

I use magic when I want for what I want. I urge you to practice your incantation skills by using them often in real-world scenarios.

The best way to get good at something is committed repetition and playful ease in combination. Relax. Have fun with this and see what you can get done with it!

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Learn to create a sacred space for magical operations on the astral plane. This rarely taught method is a powerhouse for getting great results with your spells and rituals and for refining your personal energy matrix. 

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