Magical Universe Paradigm

The Magical Universe

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This phrase could of course mean a few different things, but in the current context it refers to a paradigm shared by many magicians today, wherein our universe consists of multiple planes or realms that exist concurrently with our physical reality. Sometimes this is expressed as seven planes, or nine, or eleven. I adopted or created (who knows which) a version of the story involving five planes, realms, or worlds in total, which include our material universe and all its alternate timelines (per the Many Worlds Interpretation of physics) and undiscovered dimensions (ala String theory, et al).

Like all versions of this model, the five worlds of my understanding exist in a hierarchy, arranged according to frequency from highest to lowest or vice versa. the dense material universe represents the lowest frequency or slowest rate of vibration, with each higher realm representing an elevation in frequency, thus explaining why these worlds are unavailable to our senses.

the higher realms in fact share space and time with us on the material plane. They are simply undetectable by our material senses, which operate on the frequency of our physical bodies and universe.

People sometimes refer to these planes or worlds as other dimensions. This is fine, although I don’t know how they fit into the scheme of dimensions according to the theoretical physicist.

Just as we have a physical body as the vehicle for navigating this world, we also have an energetic body that corresponds to each of the other planes of existence.

We therefore have our being not only in the physical realm, but also in the ether, on the astral, and so on. These energy bodies are part of your overall Personal Energy Matrix, which you can learn more about by clicking here.

As our physical body interacts with the physical world and our mind and mental body interact with the mental plane, so too do our other energetic bodies function and move upon the plane with which they are associated. This is of particular interest in magic, for the higher energy bodies are responsible for much of the magical workload, guided by the unconscious mind, beings from the higher worlds, and the magical forces unleashed by magical acts and operations.

Conceiving the Hierarchy of Planes

As mentioned, the five worlds all exist here and now, interconnected and simultaneous, all to the extent that time is applicable, for some energies are not beholden to the construct of linear time. This can all be (obviously) difficult to mentally contend with, and so the idea of the various worlds or planes of reality existing in a layered matrix has become a popular way to teach, learn, and discuss the topic.

The five worlds or planes are considered by their relative frequency or vibrational state, with our material world being the most dense or lowest frequency and the realm of spirit being the finest, or highest frequency state. This theme is consistent through most mystical, New Age, or spiritual ideologies and constructs.

In ascent from this material universe upwards, or vice versa, these five planes are:

  1. Material Plane
  2. Etheric Plane
  3. Astral Plane
  4. Mental Plane
  5. Spirit Plane
  1. Spirit Plane
  2. Mental Plane
  3. Astral Plane
  4. Etheric Plane
  5. Material Plane

The ordering of these planes is subject to a whole range of considerations. A mystic seeking to ascend to the upper worlds would start at the material level, 1 and proceed from there. When discussing the creation of our reality, most teachings and lore suggest divinity as the source and so begin with the spirit plane, 1 and descend. Also note each of these worlds are known by various names.

Artist Interpretation of the Five Worlds

In the image above I have tried to illustrate the interconnected nature of the planes while providing an image that I hope is fit for contemplation.

The Material Plane

At the bottom is the material realm with our universe. This is only one part of multiverse where we have our being but also the plane we most readily identify as “reality”. This is because of the potency of the very dense substances of the physical plane and their ability to overwhelm our senses and dominate our experiential processes. Still, the other worlds are accessible from this material space when we quiet our minds and learn to sense the subtle flows.

The Etheric Plane

This state is the material that borders the physical and astral. It is, in many ways, the crossroads and the veil that separate thus mundane world from the Other worlds and at the same tie unites our physical form with the rest of our energetic being.

The realm earthbound spirits and ghosts travel or abide within and the place where the vital force or life force that animates living things originates. It is a mirror image of the physical plane yet it exists on a higher frequency and is made up of finer, or more subtle etheric substance and material.

The Astral Plane

The Mental Plane

The Spirit Plane