Practical and Esoteric Magic

Natural Magic and Ritual Explained

Hecate Under the Hawthorne Tree

Underneath the Hawthorne Tree

rockhousewizardNov 7, 20241 min read

Favorite0 Sticks and stones, flesh and bones, I walk alone so far from home. to find my own… Initiation. Emancipation. A new creation for my appreciation. I know, in the shadow, As above, so below. The lady, she waits for…

Rune Stone

Combative Magic with Runes

rockhousewizardOct 23, 20244 min read

Favorite0Vikings, Goths, Saxons, Marcomanni, and many other Germanic people lived and died by the traditions, ethos, and methods of their respective warrior archetypes. The Berserker who entered a no-mind state of unity with their violence and the Ulfhednar who channeled…

Charged Field

Charged Fields: How Magic Works

rockhousewizardSep 27, 20242 min read

Favorite0I love sharing techniques or methods that very obviously embody, and therefore illustrate, the energetic underpinnings of magic as a whole. This one is so fundamental to all magic that I can’t believe how rarely I see it discussed in…

Mystical Characters of the Sun

Mystical Characters of the Sun

rockhousewizardSep 15, 20241 min read

Favorite0Taken from the second pentacle of the sun, pentacle 33 in the Greater Key of Solomon, here are two symbols described as “mystical characters of the Sun” by MacGreggor Mathers in his editor’s notes. Draw and focus upon these symbols…

Various Magic Circles

Versatility of Magic Circles

rockhousewizardSep 14, 20241 min read

Favorite0Here are just a few possible formats for a magic circle to be used for variant purposes. Using only the cross, pentagram, and/or hexagram one can set up a range of differently charged fields for magical working.


The One Goddess

rockhousewizardSep 6, 20241 min read

Favorite0We should understand, when we discuss the Goddess there is, if not a solitary universal power, at least one major power to which the other, similar archetypes and deities are mere forces to be directed. These lesser forces would be…