Natural Magic and Ritual Explained
Before you can perform any magic you must be in a magical state. Another way of putting this is that an altered state of consciousness is required in order to enact magic. The Altered State Indigenous cultures are aware of this, hence the dancing and drumming rituals, fasting, ordeals, and psychoactive herbs and other substances…
Favorite0In the language of the occultist and magician these are the two spheres of power or being. Macrocosmic means the cosmos, the heavens or outer planes, and the planets and gods. Microcosmic refers to the human being with nature as the backdrop and spirit flowing through both nature and humanity. You could say we are…
Favorite0A method is more than a technique but less than a system. It’s actually a combination of techniques and in turn also one of the building blocks for a system. Sometimes a method just means the way you approach magic or the way you personally perform the techniques involved. Apologies in advance for the confusion…
Dos that seem right to you? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Who Wouldn’t Want to Perform Real Magic? I get that most people don’t understand magic is a real thing. I sometimes wonder how we who practice are perceived by those who never got the memo ala “ATTN: Stop Whatever You are Doing…
When you see the term runes on this blog I or one of the other contributors are referencing the Elder Futhark Runes. These amazing marks were discovered in Northern Europe and they represent the oldest alphabetical written language of the Germanic people. From a Magical Perspective While not classified as a sacred language by scholars,…
Although I disagree with using magic as a religion, I admit there were three relatively deep questions of a spiritual nature I brought into my initiation with me many years ago.
The fire element governs our ability to create charged fields, move subtle energy, and remain effective from start to finish during magical action.
One thing that really annoys me is all the half-assed language and vagaries swirling around the magical space or New Age subculture. A lack of clarity or the use of non-words and unstatements is not helpful I think. Something I’ve seen a few times lately is a half-hearted disclaimer that goes something like “one is…