Natural Magic and Ritual Explained
Fractals I sometimes use the term “elemental fractals” when discussing nested elements. Both terms refer to the idea of “elements within elements”. I’ll begin my explanation of nested elements by briefly covering fractals. Then we’ll look at nested hierarchies and how they are inherent to many magical principles. Finally I’ll explain how you can apply…
What “Spiritual” Actually Means and is Magic it? Most magical authors and teachers, along with metaphysical shop owners, casual practitioners, and New Age mystics will tell you in knee-jerk, no-hesitation certainty that magic is about spiritual development or something close to this. Perhaps some would say the goal of magic is spiritual refinement. What the…
Obviously this is a spell for inspiration. To be more specific it should be cast when you want a creative boost or new some new ideas on a specific topic. While no items are required, the spell resonates with the color yellow and aligns with the solar influence. Should you like to add some extra…
This is a useful spell for locating misplaced, lost, even stolen items. If you cannot find it, give this one a try. Magic of the air seeing everywhere. Tell me, show me where is my [name lost thing]? It’s obviously somewhere. So I call you elemental air . I declare now, look here and there…
I ramble. I know this. Not today, kids. For those who couldn’t make it through my in-depth how to here are four simple steps for “spell casting” that can be applied to ay magical operation, be it a charm, incantation, ritual or whatever. Step Zero: Calm Clear Cleanse and Concentrate Before magical work you need…
Making Magic Most of the time magic involves not only words for conveying your intentions and directing magical forces, but also material components for raising specific kinds of energy and actions like lighting a candle, tearing a sheet of paper, or throwing a coin (for examples) to trigger magical reactions. However, you can absolutely perform…
In magical work specificity is paramount. Vague intentions and applications can leave too broad a range for our results to manifest, in which case we might end up getting sort of what we hoped for, but ultimately faced with disappointing outcomes. To be clear, this is going to happen at times. Many forces are at…