Practical and Esoteric Magic

Natural Magic and Ritual Explained

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Tag: air

Elemental Air, or the air element, is an energetic quality that is likened to the quality or nature of physical air. In proper esoteric terminology, this term rarely (but sometimes) refers to the actual air we breathe or move about it. Instead, as mentioned, “air” is one of the four elemental qualities of energy that can apply to any phenomenon, from gross or subtle energy, sounds, and ideas to people, places, and things.

The quality of air is generally open, wide, expanded, free, unpredictable, unrestrained, everywhere, above, higher, vast, intangible, and so on. This can translate further to such attributes, traits, behaviors, and subjects as evasive, knowledgeable, authority, communication, travel, learning, speech, wisdom, refined, highly skilled, deceitful, confused, sound, hearing, escape, untied, circular, new beginnings, balance, and so on.