Finding Your Life Purpose
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The Purpose of this Incarnation

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Soul Experience, the Journey of Many Lifetimes

What could be more important in an incarnation than the soul’s purpose for coming here? Still, you’d be forgiven for writing this one off, as most people have no idea what this purpose might be.

Meaning, Reason, and Purpose

More words that get kicked around and interchanged mercilessly. It’s as if New Agers are allergic to dictionaries or something. This kind of disregard for the nuancing of words is, by the way, why the rational brigade likes to use the term word salad to refute metaphysical positions.

Meaning is obviously the definition or defining characteristics of something. It is what a thing is about or what it represents. This can be objective through consensus but is largely a subjective consideration, for through compulsion or choice may we decide what something means.

Reason is the motivation for doing something or the cause of something. In the former case, the motivation could be rational or otherwise, but either way it is the impetus of a living being to act. In the latter example there will always be a sort of logic involved because the underlying forces, movements, etc. are of a causal or productive in nature, inducing some result.

Purpose, our misunderstood and misused word of the day, refers to the driving factor for something’s existence. It’s subtle but there is a difference between reason and purpose.

People like to say, “Everything happens for a reason!” to imply purpose, usually in the events of life. Of course things happen for reasons; no shit, sherlock! This has nothing to do with purpose.

I had that car wreck because my tire blew out, which happened because it had a nail lodged in the tread. the nail resulted from my driving over it, because I parked in a gravel lot where construction was taking place. We could add a host of other reasons here, like my laziness in not wanting to park further out away from the risks of nails etc. inherent to construction zones or my failure to do a safety check of the vehicle afterwards. At any rate there is no evidence herein that I wrecked my car due to some higher spiritual purpose, perhaps conceived by a spirit guide or similar.

The meaning of my accident is highly debatable as is usually the case with this concept. It might mean I’m a dumb ass. Or it could mean construction workers should be more careful not to litter the earth with hardware. It’s anybody’s guess and everyone can be right.

What is the purpose of this event? What role did my car wreck play or what did it serve by transpiring? Maybe none. Perhaps it happened to teach me a lesson about situational awareness. I could decide that and move on, but I would be guessing or fabricating.

Into Perspective

Generally a thing’s purpose is what it was designed to do. The knife on the table was made on purpose so people could cut their meat with it.

The reason for the knife probably has something to do with a company’s desire for profit. There could e other reasons as well, like the need for a certain type of table knife within the company’s catalog.

What does the knife mean? I don’t have to eat a bug slab of steak with my hands like some savage and can instead cut it into pieces to eat with a fork.

This, of course, is only my interpretation. For someone on the other end of the whole process the knife could mean their business reaches the next level of scaling through the increased revenue.

The purpose of the human animal, what it is designed by natural processes like evolution to do, is quite simple: to grow and develop and propagate DNA. We can say this with complete confidence because it’s what a human being does, with or without any religious dogma, personal convictions, or profound revelations to act as catalysts or inspiration.

Quite often people aren’t satisfied with this and want more. Understandable.

Going back to the car wreck example one could simply identify a desirable purpose and choose it as the purpose of this incarnation. Such effort is recommended by contemporary, half-assed esoteric ideology. Pick whatever meaning you like, but I urge you to find your actual purpose rather than making one up.

It comes down to whether you are interested in truth or just want to feel better about things. I am in the “screw comfort” camp because I don’t want spiritual answers that are false but comfortig.

I just want the damn truth or close to it. Sometime this is the path to heartache, perhaps due to unpleasant answers but most often the result of no answers.

Most of us Do Not Know

Some people have a connection to their purpose on this planet from an early age. Most of us do not, or if we once did we can’t remember.

Why, you might ask, do we need to “find” our purpose? Because, if the lore is true we are caused to forget our reason for incarnating just before entering this world again. As utterly dumb as that sounds, it does provide some reason for the confusion people experience on this subject.

How do you discover your purpose?

You seek.

You ask.

You quest.

All in earnest.

What makes you truly happy?

What are you good at?

What would you spend all your time doing if you could?

What have you taught others?

What keeps coming up in your life even if you try to ignore it?

Tarot cards.


Dowsing pendulum.

Vision quests.

Lucid dreaming.

Astral travel.

Communication with spirit guides, Zodiac angels, ancestors.

It may take work to discover the purpose of this incarnation but once you find out why you came here you’ll have a focal point that can transcend any problem, setback or issue life hands you.

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