Use this sigil to clear unwanted energy from your energy bodies and aura, to banish undesirable spirits from a room or space, or to clear/banish from another person or object. It’s a fast, multi-purpose solution for getting rid of unhelpful currents and forces.
Clearing Energy from Your Body or Aura, or Purging Thought Forms, etc.

- Draw the short diagonal line from top left to bottom right. This targets YOU for the banishing.
- Cross this line from top right, initiates clearing.
- Continue curve up and around, purging unwanted energies.
- Pierce center of x” with downward stroke, culmination of power.
- Make arrow head to complete.
- Draw short horizontal line below arrow tip to seal and prevent re-entry.
- Make secondary arrow past short line to expel energy far, far away in space and time.
Banishing from Space or Another Person, or Object

- Draw the short diagonal line from top right to bottom left. This indicates whatever you target, external to yourself, for the banishing.
- Cross this line from bottom right, initiates clearing.
- Continue curve out, down and around, purging unwanted energies.
- Pierce center of x” with upward stroke, culmination of power.
- Make arrow head to complete.
- Draw short horizontal line above arrow tip to seal and prevent re-entry.
- Make secondary arrow past short line to expel energy far, far away in space and time.
By object, I literally mean purge unwanted energy from item, like a crystal or talisman, a box, electronic device, sofa, vehicle, or whatever.
When using on spaces, area effected is by default your immediate vicinity, such as a room or your personal space within a large room. No problem to do a hallway, stairwell, or even a house. Affecting larger areas depends on your will and your prowess with magic. I have cleared properties, meaning domicile and land upon which the home sits, and I know a lady who has used this magic to handle much larger areas like commercial buildings.
When used on a person, you or other, two-legged or four-legged, the magic affects energy bodies, (physical, etheric, astral), chakras, and aura.
Ages old question: can banishing rid one of physical pollutants from excess cholesterol to other toxins? Of course it can. “Banish” and “heal” are words we use to describe intent and technique, but mostly intent.
It’s going to be hard to remove physical pollutants with magic alone if one doesn’t also take physical steps, but it has been done before. A multi-faceted approach is best, i.e. physical, magical, psychological.
Consider this: Even when dealing with unwanted spirits, did you know cleaning your house or whatever the target area is will aid in the process? “Demons” (goblins, whatever you like to call the baddies) thrive in clutter and especially in filth, whereas organization can (not always as evil is sometimes orderly) stump them and a spic and span environment is hostile to nasty entities.