Agent of Influence

Axiom: Magic is an Agent of Influence

The Variant Contexts of Magic

The term magic can be used and considered many different ways, though most often as a noun.

Magic as a Method

On this site I have covered magic as a field of knowledge or body of work that translates to an art, utility, and skillset. In other words, as a method to be deployed.

Magic as a Phenomenon

I have touched also, though less frequently, on the notion of magic as a mysterious force parallel to the forces of nature yet originating from a realm outside of our material reality. This force can be called up from its hiding place among natural phenomena or made to interact with this world under specific circumstances through particular processes.

Magic as a Condition or Circumstance

There is also the reference, not often made on these pages, of magic as a state responsible for certain outcomes. Sometimes magic is spoken of as the outcome itself, emphasized by its unlikely or impossible nature.

(Because a thing is considered impossible or highly unlikely) “It’s magic!”

Relevant and relative to all these perspectives on magic is of course the nature of the same as a causal agent. For the skill, what can it do, for the force, what is it up to, and for the condition, can it be true?

As that thing that, according to our 19th century forebears allows us to change the world in line with our will, magic is often ill understood or poorly imagined. Too much fiction on the subject perhaps, or maybe it’s because people are so disconnected with magic as a hands-on activity.

Metaphysical Action and Reaction

What I’m getting at is simply this: While magic may seem to exist and enact outside of the chain of events or beyond the dynamics of cause-to-effect, this is an illusion.

The illusion is created by our inability to comprehend the subtle mechanics involved in the movement of magical forces. Regardless of our failing to see or understand, however, these mechanics and movements still exist!

Just as all action produces equal and opposite reaction in the physical world, so to metaphysical action will generate its counterpart reaction (although I can’t say whether or not this reaction is equal and opposite).

When you enact the skill by way of the method to unleash the force of magic you have set into motion one chain of events or added one factor to a specific outcome in your unfolding story. Said outcome will be the result of all your efforts, along with any support from elsewhere, versus all the opposes you and in consideration of that which doesn’t care one way or another about you or your outcome.

The magic will act upon and influence other factors, ideally affecting them to your benefit. Understand, however, this influence will net results based on many metrics, from your prowess and personal power to the forces in favor of and against your plan.

Things like astrological timing and elemental influences are just two examples of energy that might enhance or oppose your work. The designs of other people may come into play also, or the intent of spiritual beings.

Magic isn’t some kind of mystical guarantee. It’s a resource that can be applied to your advantage and it is best used in tandem with other means that support your desired end.

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