Words are Power

Your Words are Power

We often read about “words of power” or special “power words”, which I suppose are initiated terms for what the unwashed masses would call “magic words”. The idea being conveyed in any case is: these words are special because of their magical potency or because they unlock energetic/spiritual currents that may otherwise be unavailable or at least harder to access.

Such things are real, whether found in obscure, old books or revealed during communication with the spirits. There are even “places” you might go, really more like states (of consciousness or being) ruled by the sphere of Mercury that are replete with symbols and words of immense power, whether or not they are printed anywhere on this Earth.

By now I may have a few such words in the Grimoire section of this website, but neither those nor other such specific words are the topic of this posting. Not at all.

I mean generally, just any words that might come out of your mouth, out the tip of your pen, or through your fingers and out of the keyboard. Your words ARE power and if somebody hasn’t already taught you this let the pleasure be all mine.

Just so you don’t think I’m on some New Age pep talk tangent here, let me back up and say:


If we drop back in time somewhere between 50,000 and 200,000 years, (quite the difference I understand) depending on which anthropologist we consult, to the point where our primitive ancestors surpassed their reactionary state of consciousness and entered the realm of ideation, planning, and intelligent coordination of their affairs among one-another, we would be privy to an absolute turning point, the hinge of which still carries us on its momentum to this very day.

The Inherent Magic of Language (aka Words)

It’s not at all difficult to understand how and why languages, especially in written form, came to be recognized as sacred, holy, and…. (drumroll) magical! Especially by the time our languages advanced to the point of being hyper-descriptive, nuanced, and (for better or worse) authoritative.

Even today and even in the most casual of settings, think of the impact words can have. We all know what a judge, priest, benefactor, employer, or police officer says can bear substantial results on our material circumstances. That’s easy to recognize. Often overlooked and often to the misfortune of the overlooker is the potency of everyday speech and the effects it renders on those to whom it is directed.

Words get Results!

Wait, you might say! One can only be effected by mere words if they permit those words to effect them.

Wrong. It is correct to state we cannot be fully affected by someone else’s opinions, insults, and so forth unless we concede, consciously or unconsciously, to give the one who opines or speaks the power to do so. Spoken words, however, are much like the proverbial bullets that cannot be recalled.

Once uttered and heard they can and often will get results in the way of a kneejerk internal response which then must be overcome by a conscious act of will. At least this is true for most of us.

There are those well-conditioned and particularly right-minded folk, or just people with “thick skin” who can and will unconsciously and automatically deflect detrimental verbiage. This is a skill worth aspiring towards by all means, but still the point is here illustrated.

Words by themselves, whilst they may break no bones, can still have an effect, whether or not we can mitigate those effects. Hence, words are powerful entities!

Just as words can tear down and disrupt, so can they build up and comfort, encourage, heal, and empower. Remember grasshoppa, a kind word and a smile to a stranger as a regular practice is the most assured and effective way for any of us to change the world for the better.

It should go without saying but as a blogger I am obligated to say it anyway: We should obviously and routinely build up, sustain, and just love the shit out of the people close to us with kind, complimentary, and supportive words of blessing.

It’s also and always worth remembering that due to our linguistic modeling of our consciousness, words are the drivers of our willpower and intention in most cases. Yes, we can and should cultivate the ability to go all Zen and thoughtless, to unite mind and body in thoughtless thought and so forth. Of course we should but dammit that’s not what I’m talking about right now, stop being such a know-it-all for five minutes! Whether or not it’s all chic and vogue among the wish-we-were-all-Indigo-kids brigade, the reality is we use our internal dialog to navigate reality and get shit done on the daily.

Like anything else touched by your magic, that internal dialog and the translation of words into reality was greatly enhanced from the moment of your initiation. You just have to understand this, to know it and put the knowledge to use.

Gnosis means many things but here it translates into working knowledge or understanding of a spiritual nature through action. I don’t mean spiritual like some warm and fuzzy notion or having to do with your “goodness” or whatever. I use “spiritual” as a technical term, referring to the fifth element both within you and from which you have emerged, and to your ability to integrate and coordinate with that substance in a functional manner.

Here’s the big, bad takeaway for today. I did not say your words have power or that they contain power or anything of that kind of conditional nature. I say, because I believe, which is in turn because it’s true that your words ARE FUCKING POWER meaning power is what they emerge from, consist of, and therefore the only thing they are capable of delivering.

I say none of this to kiss your ass or make you feel all bunny-happy or anything of the sort.

I say it because it’s true and more people need to realize the fact.

Now take this, roll it up in all the magic you enact from here forward, and get some shit done. Help someone in need. Stop an asshole from doing more harm. Do something super cool for yourself just because it’s what you want. Just make some magic, pretty please and with sugar on top.

If you’re already making magic, (I mean consciously, for everyone is doing it unconsciously) then I thank you and hope my tirade can be of use to you. If not, set me straight on why not.

If you aren’t “yet” consciously making any magic for whatever of a thousand bullshit reasons I must tell you: the world has been waiting far too long for you to start, and it may or may not wait much longer. Get after it.

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One response to “Your Words are Power”

  1. […] every word you speak has power. This is true because of the innate power of speech and intention. Things you say can […]

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