Wizard on the Astral Plane
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Astral Projection, an Overview

I should preface with the obvious: this article will briefly overview the act of projecting one’s vision, intention, or consciousness onto the astral plane, which is variously referred to as the astral realm, astral world, dream world, causal plane, domain of the soul, et al. whether or not these variant names are correct is another article or series unto itself, but suffice it to say the astral by whatever name is part of the causal-scape, and is generally considered the non-physical foundation or blueprint for the material universe.

This foundation is the “place”, more of a state really, wherein or whereby exists the interactive source image of all that has ever happened, is happening, and will happen in our physical universe. Exact likenesses of every person, place, or thing comprised of astral substances inhabit this realm and from these initial creations or emanations, after “passing through” the etheric plane, emerge the physically manifested realities of our world.

Why Should We Care?

The astral is broadly accepted as the realm of dreams and imaginations, called by some the “Treasure House of Images”. It should be obvious how vital a realm of this nature is to magical work, but in case it isn’t I’ll elaborate just a bit.

The trained magician, whether consciously or not, interacts with the astral to either create the desired reality or to alter an existing template of reality. When this is done mindfully both the likelihood of magical success, and the impact of magic may be increased substantially.

Traditionally works of astral projection are mystical in nature. That is to say, the work involves elevating or projecting one’s mind or self into a higher reality for the purpose of experiencing the spiritual realities.

Magic, on the other hand is, according to the purist, about standing firm on this material plane and bringing spiritual and higher energies & forces down and using these to manifest the change we desire or preserve the state we wish to protect.

The Blurring of the Lines

From shamanistic practices and Hermeticism to Crowley and Blavatsky, there is much precedent for the crossing of these two lines of study. As a magician foremost, it seems inevitable to me that a mystical approach is useful if I wish to feel and better understand the energies I unleash and direct. Increasingly in the contemporary era, as psychic ability is more and more accepted and the eclectic approach to anything becomes the norm, magicians take up mystical tools to aid them in their Art or the mystic begins to learn some magical operations to externalize and share their experiences.

So it has come to pass that organizations like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and several authors advocate the practice of astral travel. In fact, some advocates of the practice have goe as far as to say a keen sensitivity to the astral snd an ability to be present upon that plane is the most critical element to a magician’s success.

I stop short of making the above claim, but I do agree that astral proficiency can do nothing but advance one’s magical prowess. It’s obvious if you believe the lore about the astral being the foundation of the material and the state where mental creations are given form, which are in turn brought to manifestation through the subtle processes, either of nature or of magic.

These techniques are all initiated mentally, by setting an intention and then using your will to activate and engage the relevant energy bodies and the pathways connecting them with your physical form and mental body.

This really is a complex and multi-layered topic, to the extent that I almost need to teach a primmer course at the preface of this material. Reference the page on your Personal Energy Matrix if you aren’t sure about any of the terminology used in this post ala “energy bodies” and so forth.

Back on track: these processes are all initiated mentally, with the intention of either seeing into the astral plane, projecting your will into the astral and being present with it, or sending your consciousness to the astral and moving about the place, i.e. astral travel.

Your clear intention will, as stated, activate the energetic processes required for the specific technique you wish to engage with. After this, the technical work for each modality varies slightly, and will be touched on in the relevant section below.

This is the projection of your sight into the astral fluid. Arguably all psychic vision uses the astral conduit, though I think it can use the ether in some cases. At any rate, you could use this sort of procedure to enhance clairvoyance or other visual divination work, however my intent with this post is mainly to focus on actually peering into the astral world.

For example, you may want to make the faintest of contact with a deceased friend. you can do so by viewing them in the astral.

Or you may require a vision to inform your next step. Again, looking into the astral can provide you with the needed revelation.

This technique is useful for remote viewing as well. You can also use it to examine the spiritual energetics of a place, for instance if you there is an unwanted and unseen guest in your apartment.

I should disclaim here that people who are not particularly visual in nature may use “astral viewing” methods to receive intuitive impressions or other gnosis. I actually see things with this method about half the time, receiving intuitive impressions the other half.

This is the least-committal form of astral projection, requiring less time and energy than the other two approaches. With practice you can even enact astral vision without the need for trance.

There are many methods you can employ for this, but here are a couple I like:

  • Having set an intention to see into the astral, place your consciousness fully into the center of your third eye. Look into the astral from here. If you don’t feel this is working, drop your awareness down the Middle Pillar and into your Earth Star chakra, located around 24 inches below your feet or butt, whichever is on the ground or floor and “look” from that center.
  • Scry into one of the symbols below. do this by looking intently at the symbol for a moment, and then pushing your gaze (using the third eye) into and through the symbol. Once you have done the latter, close your eyes but continue to look with the third eye into the symbol. Done properly this will project your vision into the astral.
Hexagram and Planet Sigils
The Hexagram Represents Solar Power and the Astral Plane
Sigil of Gabriel
Sigil of Gabriel who Rules the Gateway of the Lunar Astral
Sigil of Saturn
Sigil of the Sphere of Saturn, Governor of the Path to the Astral

Astral Projection can be thought of as “leveling up” from peering into the astral fluid and actively inserting your consciousness onto the astral plane. This can be initiated by the same process using the above images. Another symbol I find very useful for this work is the rune for Hagalaz, which also represents the pathway from the material Kingdom to the astral Foundation, to use the lingo of the Tree of Life.

Once a connection or vision is established, project yourself (best way to describe it what can I say?) through your solar plexus or third eye chakra with the intention of standing within the astral landscape. this takes practice and willpower and of course there are additional methods you can employ but this is a blog post not a book so I must minimize suggestions for now.

Hagalaz or Hagal: The Rune corresponding to the World Tarot Trump and the 32nd Path on the Tree of Life.

The pinnacle of astral exploration for most of us mortals would be full astral travel, called also soul travel and often synonymously exchanged for astral projection. The distinction here me is my own because not only do I think I’m smarter (or at least slicker) than other magic writers, but I am also an anal-retentive lunatic when it comes to terminology and the sublime ordering thereof into definitions and hierarchies.

On a serious note, there is a difference between projecting onto a higher plane and being immersed in one of the upper worlds! With astral travel, which I might add is the technical experience being undergone when we dream, lucid or otherwise, one is more fully engaged with the astral material and can have a more meaningful and effective experience.

This is approached the same as the first two methods but requires (usually) a greater degree of alteration to one’s conscious state. I don’t mean you have to eat shrooms to get there, but doing so does favor your chances if that gets the point across.

Drugs are not a requirement for this state of consciousness, just to be clear. Fasting, drumming, dancing, chanting, and performing magic can all put one in the state of being that translates to full astral travel if you have the intent for this to be the case and you pursue the activity with sufficient determination and repetition.

More will be written about this at a later time, but I hope this primer has been helpful and informative for the time being.

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