3 Step Magical Act

3 Step Magical Act (3rd time charm)

I have struggled with a simple reference post to help newbies conceptualize and then actualize the spell casting or magical operation process. Here is my latest attempt, which is actually lifted from another author and then highly customized with my own modifications.

This applies to magical techniques, acts, and operations. It is easier to imagine the process below in a single technique or act but it can be applied even to lengthy rituals.

For longer work you can think of this in two ways:

  1. Repeat the process multiple times throughout a longer operation.
  2. Pay attention to the longer operation and decide where you can organize the process into these three stages.

I prefer option #2 most of the time, but occasionally #1 is doable. In such cases of course you have to modify the last step of releasing fully to something like letting go and then beginning again, until the actual end of the longer operation.

Anyway here are the three steps:

Conjure/Gather Energy

In this step you raise psychic energy from your mind and body, call in energy from spiritual sources like deities, ancestors, guides, etc. and focus the energy of any correspondences or components you are using.

This will look like tensing muscles, chanting, moving your body, all to generate an internal charge. Calling the names of helpful spirits, conjuring elementals and directing their energy, summoning planetary forces to direct, lighting candles, breaking sticks, drawing sigils, burning sigils, throwing rocks, hooting and hollering, dancing, throwing punches, twirling in circles, beating drums, etc.

Accumulating items of correspondence in the work area is a great way to build energy as well. Colors, sounds, smells, plants, animals, everyday objects, get to know your magical correspondences. Bringing many such things together as you raise energy gives you a deep well of influence and potential to generate force through.

Raise as much energy as you expect to need to get the job done.

Program and Direct Energy

Here you push your gathered energy towards your desired outcome. Do this by visualizing what it will be like to succeed with this magical work you are enacting.

See the win clearly. Put yourself in that scene and bring your energy with you. Or see the scene from the outside and direct a wave or surge of the energy you raised into the scene.

The process of immersion can be integrated into spells and rituals or used by itself as an exercise or magical act. The process essentially is multi-sensory imaging, where you not only visualize your success clearly but also engage your other senses, hearing the sounds, smelling the scents, feeling the tactile experience, and above all feeling the emotions of getting what you want.

Build the ideal scene of your victory and immerse yourself in it while you direct the magical energy you have gathered into manifesting this scene.

You can also use your emotions to impress upon the energy you raised exactly what you need it to do. Do this prior to sending it to your imagined target.

For example, spend a moment generating the feelings associated with the fulfillment of your desire. Imagine your emotion forming a ball or beam from the energy you have raised and send that into a focal point that represents your target.

Or raise a pulse or wave of energy (in the previous step) and direct your emotions it to enter the wave or pulse. Then clearly visualize your desire manifested and send the emotionally charged force into the vision.

You don’t have to try to squeeze both immersion and impregnation into every spell you cast. Just flow with the method that feels right to you.

Also when I say “send energy” you can do this with a wand, do it by thrusting your hand forward, mentally direct and see the energy moving to your future success, use your words to focus and blast the charged enerfy, and so on.


Unleash and Release

After programming the energy and directing it to your victory scene, give one final push with all the power in your gut and all the determination you can muster. Push from your solar plexus, then from your third eye, then tense your muscles until they tremble.

Dump it all out on the target then let go. Relax. Release.

See and feel your magic leave the scene, heading towards the astral plane where it will begin the journey of manifestation to bring your desire home to you. Now, forget about the whole affair completely so your unconscious mind can work with subtle forces and helpful spirits to finish the job you started.

Remember you will have to figure out how to implement these steps within the magical operation or instructions you are enacting. this is not hard, as the process defined above is designed to be fit into most magical workings.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge Scott Cunningham, from whom I stole the blueprint for this procedure.

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