Magic is Art

The Art of Magic

We talk about “magical acts” and “performing magic” for a reason.

Ritual and ceremony are types of performances, of course, but the performance of magic applies to the folk magician and cunning man as much as it does to the high ceremonialist. In fact the word spel, from which our modern magic “spell” is derived, meant variously story, sales pitch, fabrication, song, poem, sermon, or the enactment thereof.

A rousing soapbox tirade to galvanize the crowd, a fantastical tale to disrupt the boss’s anger at your tardiness, a lovely verse or lyric, all are types of performance. You could even say, and the Bards of old and many-a-Mercurian archetype through the ages would agree, the aforementioned are all art forms in their own right.

Magic is an Art

Yes it’s creating or changing and so forth by use of the will and blah blah blah.

It’s arguably also about penetrating the veil to establish a truth. You can even say, if you really must, it is about spiritual and mystical this and that.

Fine. I agree with most of that and agree to disagree on the rest.

Above all this however in fact this act of love whatever else may be its easily in large part and from the heart an ancient, secret, sacred art.

It’s a living art meaning both it is a work and expression you inhabit, live in day-to-day and you breathe life into your creations. Furthermore the magic itself takes on its own life as you progress, almost becoming a companion that thinks and speaks.

I guess it has been a number of years now since I saw this You Tube video where a young woman discussed complaints of poor magical results. I think she called herself a witch, I don’t remember perfectly nd it doesn’t matter I’m just trying to attribute the best I can without a name.

Anyway, she said something quite striking about how people getting poor magical results may also be people who in her words “only spend time with the unseen world when they want something.”

She went on to talk about living in the magic and sitting with the unseen, “loving them” as she put it. I do this gal no justice with my clumsy reiteration but it was quite lovely when she said it.

There is definitely something to look at in the idea of loving our magic the way a painter or sketch-artist loves the tools and processes of their craft.

Don’t “do” magic like the unwashed who are without understanding. Perform it like an initiate virtuoso.

Learn the ropes and follow the rules yes, initially. You need a foundation and direction. Once you have some comfort and basic proficiency start expressing and leaning in your own personal direction.

Be you.

Cast your spell,

which means to tell your spirit’s tale

and hurl forth onto presumed reality

through charmed causality

your passion and desire,

attraction and fire,

the transaction you conspire

both cunning and bold

with Mercury and Luna to unfold,

a story told as in the days of old

when artist and magician

were united in petition

to the brutal, laughing gods to CEASE and OBEY,

if not always so be it but on this day,

MY will be done in place of yours.

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Learn to create a sacred space for magical operations on the astral plane. This rarely taught method is a powerhouse for getting great results with your spells and rituals and for refining your personal energy matrix. 

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