Natural Magic and Ritual Explained
Before you can perform any magic you must be in a magical state. Another way of putting this is that an altered state of consciousness is required in order to enact magic. The Altered State Indigenous cultures are aware of this, hence the dancing and drumming rituals, fasting, ordeals, and psychoactive herbs and other substances…
Although I disagree with using magic as a religion, I admit there were three relatively deep questions of a spiritual nature I brought into my initiation with me many years ago.
The fire element governs our ability to create charged fields, move subtle energy, and remain effective from start to finish during magical action.
One thing that really annoys me is all the half-assed language and vagaries swirling around the magical space or New Age subculture. A lack of clarity or the use of non-words and unstatements is not helpful I think. Something I’ve seen a few times lately is a half-hearted disclaimer that goes something like “one is…
The conquering Romans obviously had a significant influence on the culture and traditions of the known world during their imperial age. Even today the impact of Roman practical magic lingers in the western world. Some schools of thought hold that Roman magic had significant influence on Celtic practices while other paradigms insist Northern Europe forged…
Here I address what has been called the “first axiom” by some, which in truth is a misbelief.
Use this when communicating with someone is difficult. Perhaps they don’t listen or somehow the meaning of your message always gets lost or mixed up. I recommend you start with meditation, even a simple countdown to relax, ground, and center. From here of course consciously enter your magical state. This is best practice prior to…
These are two distinct practices often combined as one because of their relationship to one another and their inherent value in all magical work. Begin at the center and in the middle, and start connected to and held by the Mother upon which you are born, live, and die. Use these any time you need…