Power Force Energy

Power Force and Energy

In materialism energy is the capacity for work or the entity performing work, force is the agent delivering the energy and power is a measure of how much work gets done in a specific amount of time. These definitions carry over to magical practice as well, but additional layers of meaning are also added to fulfill the dualistic nature required of all things entering the magical arena.

Hierarchy of Creation, Transformation, Preservation

Power is the origin or source of magical work. Force is the intermediary and agent that organizes and directs energy. Energy is the entity performing the work and the quality of the entity.

This sequence reflects a flow from the abstract and influential (power) through the active and directive (force) to the tangible and manifest (energy). More definitive explanations to go with this framework are:


Sphere of influence, phenomenon governing a sphere of influence, center of ordered causality, or principle governing forces or natures. Often such things are called deities, planets, or simply principles. As stated, the origin or initiator of force(s).


Agent that organizes and directs energy or energies. Often an extension, emanation, or emissary of a power but possibly a nature or one or more energies in a directive or directional role relative to other energy in motion. A force can be intelligent, guided (by some other intelligence), or blind.


The performer and performance of magical work (usually creation, transformation, or preservation) existing in a state (current, field, etc.) and of a quality that specifies the manner of the work performed. While energy exists in a quantity it is the qualitative aspect that is most definitive in magical context, i.e. elemental qualities and so forth.

Two Grades of Energy

We deal with two grades or vibrational distinctions of energy. These headings are gross energy and subtle energy.

Gross Energy

Gross energy, also called mundane energy is the within the vibrational range of the material world. It can therefore often be detected with the five senses and can always be measured with special equipment designed for that task. Examples of gross energy are heat, magnetism, mechanical energy, and so on.

Subtle Energy

Subtle energy, also called mystical energy, exists outside of the normal vibrational range of the physical realm. It cannot normally be perceived with the five senses or even found with scientific instruments. Subtle energy may only be observed directly vis psychic senses or magical divination but can be indirectly observed through the effects of mystical and magical work upon reality.

Think of the aforementioned vibrational range of our material world, wherein certain energies are manifest and others are not, as you would consider the ranges of visual light or audible sound. Light exists beyond what our eyes can see, and the same is true of sound and our ears. Some energy is not observable or available for interaction with our three-dimensional means.

Sometimes people use manifest energy or unmanifest energy to discuss gross and subtle frequencies. This is accurate and aligns with the magical process of inspiration, creation, formation, densification, and finally manifestation. Of these five stages only manifestation occurs on the physical plane, with the others taking place on the higher or subtle planes.

Three States of Energy

All energy, including subtle currents, can be classified as either potential, or stored/resting, and kinetic, or in use/motion. The third state of energy may apply to both subtle and gross vibrations, I honestly don’t know if it does or does not; perhaps it is a grade all its own.

This additional energetic state is only discussed in metaphysical context. I am referring to the state of pre-dual energy, perhaps part of or the same as the unified field or zero point and called by some (including me) absolute energy or null energy.

I didn’t post this with the attitude of a professor eager to quiz the class nor to suggest all this rational busywork is necessary for magical success. For nerds like me, this kind of contemplation is actually fun. The point is not to gain intellectual proficiency in magical rhetoric or memorize key points and build useless knowledge.

With a sound intellectual grasp, we can proceed to build stronger conceptual frameworks. Concept is to visualization as steroids are to weight training. The more vivid and potent your conceptual familiarity is with the lore and metaphysics of magic, the more precise and powerful your immersive ability.

Put another way, when you have a very authentic connection to these concepts and can really feel them, through enthusiastic emotion and in a strange way almost tangibly, this connection will exponentially enhance your ability to engage the kind of full-sensory, deep-experiential imagination that generates mind-blowing magical results.

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Learn to create a sacred space for magical operations on the astral plane. This rarely taught method is a powerhouse for getting great results with your spells and rituals and for refining your personal energy matrix. 

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