
Nobody is Interested in Real Magic.

Dos that seem right to you? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

Who Wouldn’t Want to Perform Real Magic?

I get that most people don’t understand magic is a real thing. I sometimes wonder how we who practice are perceived by those who never got the memo ala “ATTN: Stop Whatever You are Doing and Get this” Magic is real; the shit is legit-really-real!”

You might expect people to rejoice and fall over themselves rushing to get more information. This assumes we get past the wall of resistance ala brainwashing and people out there accept the premise that magic is real. which I grant is a stretch.

Maybe the uninitiated think we are just a subculture who took D&D too far and got lost in fantasy. Perhaps the normies presume all who practice authentic magic are mentally ill or delusional.

This is definitely the case for a large block of the populace, but it’s not where everybody scores.

More people than you might think either believe magic is real or at least that it is a possibility. So why wouldn’t they get involved?

Maybe they, like paranormal experiencers and people who see cryptids in the woods, fear ridicule. I believe that’s a thing.

I also know plenty of people in the New Age culture who totally believe magical things can and do happen and that people can participate and channel these magical things. Still, almost none of them actually pick up a book or do anything else to try and be one of the people channeling the magic.

I’ve heard people say it’s because we are trained from birth to disbelieve our real potential and this sort of thing, and while I know that’s a fact, I don’t think it is what keeps virtually everyone from participating in magical practice.

I really Think People are just that Fucking Lazy

To be honest I think this is the main inhibitor. These days young people would rather run their mouths about all the innate psychic potential humans have than actually meditate for ten minutes and try to tap some of that potential.

Better to smoke a joint and go on a tangent about how cool synchronicity is than to try and learn a few things that will help you produce synchronicities. I think that’s the unspoken mindset of most people who profess their interest in Hermeticism or talk up Wicca yet never read the first book on magic or visit a coven.

There are few action takers in this world. People are lazy beyond the pale.

It sucks but if you want to change the world through magic you are most likely going to have pull that wagon without a bunch of friends to help out.

Of course there are exceptions. I know there are exceptions.

Exceptions exist as fewer instances in a vast repetition of norms, which is why we call them exceptions. They aren’t the ruler most things are measured by, although in some cases they should be.

Screw Harry Potter

I like a good story, and HP delivers this, but I think it has done more harm than good. I hate to be an activist-contrarian here but that is my mood this evening.

In particular, I am stunned to see so many people willing to buy expensive wands and spell books full of bogus crap, then immerse themselves in a sort of secondary life as pretend wizards or witches with a bunch of other people who are all doing the same crazy thing, when the real fucking thing is right there in reach should they care to investigate.

The Harry Potter clowns warrant a full series of posts with them at center stage so I guess I won’t get rolling on all that here. This is just a brief lamentation that we live in the golden age of magic wherein thousands of years of wisdom is here for the taking but people are too damn lazy and unimaginative to give it a shot.

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