Fire and Forget
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Acts of Elemental Destruction

Hate to bum anybody out but this isn’t a spell of destruction to use against an enemy. This is both a technique and a magical act you can apply to any magical act or operation involving sigils, symbols, characters, runes, etc.

Using Magical Symbols

There are various ways to deploy magical symbols, often depending upon your intention or possibly the instructions included in the spell you are performing. Sometimes the symbol needs to be displayed somewhere specifically or carried on your person.

Releasing the Power of Symbols through Elemental Forces

A good way to deploy the power inherent within a symbol is the destroy the medium, paper, wood, etc. containing the symbol. This should not be done casually. During an operation using the symbol for a specific purpose you can safely destroy the physical form to release the magic and use your intent along with the structure of the operation being enacted to be sure the released charge goes and does as you will it.

Magical acts of destruction can be carried out through elemental correspondence, which of course further empowers and emboldens your magic when you align the release/destruction act with an element relevant to the operation. If your magic is based on fire, use a fire method of release, and so on.

  • For air, tear the paper into confetti and scatter it carelessly. If the medium cannot be torn hurl it off a very tall building or high bridge or send it away on a remote control aircraft.
  • For fire burn or melt the medium or scorch the sigil off of the material. This technique is typically called “fire and forget” and is a common way (due to its effectiveness) of releasing sigil and symbol magic.
  • For water, you can set the symbol adrift on a stream or drown it, meaning soak it until it is waterlogged to the point of dissolution. Sometimes this technique is called “drown and resurrect” in contrast, I suppose, to the fire and forget approach
  • For earth, smash it to pieces.
    • You can also deploy by burying. While not an overt act of destruction like the others, the symbology of burying is tied closely to the final destruction or end of a thing.

These methods can also be used to counter elemental forces. Do this buy using a release method that opposes the element you want to work against. Air magic can be countered by earth and vice versa, water energy is thwarted by fire, and so on.

Obviously it’s not always this simple. There are the Cycle of Triumphs and other factors to consider, along with matters of personal power when pitting elemental currents you handle against existing and problematic elemental influences. You can usually get some kind of traction by asserting the opposing element, however, making it at least a good place to start.

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