There I am!

The Third Time You Say

This post gets a little rambly, but I felt some explanation was in order somewhere, and I chose the opening post of my new spread for this purpose. Regular readers might appreciate it and at least won’t be shocked by the rambling.

However let it be known here and now the forthcoming site will be more succinct, with less of my of and on style and more sound & focused material to (I hope) aid the surfer in search of spells, sorcery, and serious stuff of such nature.

The Proverbial Charm of the Third Effort

The first version of this site was a paltry excuse for a blog whereupon I tried to publish a lot of what I thought I “was supposed to” or “should” post as a magical blogger. Just awful shit, really.

The restructure that came over a year later was something along the lines of a crash course for newbies. that strikes e now as unbelievably pretentious, but at the time I thought I was going the right way.

Life is Too Short for “Me Too” Content and Servicing Obligatory Values.

Sadly and yet fortunately, about the time I was starting to get a little traffic and create some decent material, I hooked up with some criminals in eastern Europe who were posing as Web hosts, and to keep the story short I lost over three years of blogging.

Bummer, but fuck it to be honest. About the same time, and I should quickly insert here that I had been in a furious battle with either dark forces, gremlins, or just the blatant assholery of the gods for months prior to this ordeal, my vehicle was stolen by a racketeering outfit that works with the police in a nearby city.

That ride contained tools, art supplies, and magical supplies to the tune of hundreds of dollars. I say this not to bemoan my victimhood but to suggest that I am reasonably and recently practiced at dealing with trivial loss. I say trivial, even as I miss the $50 piece of Angelite and other trinkets, because things like wrench sets, overpriced pens, beloved crystals and even articles on the five worlds paradigm or the Saturn archetype as the crossroads of duality are all just stuff, things, objects…. shit if I’m honest.

My dog of 13 years who is like a child in my heart is on her last stretch. I hope like hell that “stretch” is an 18-month run and I promise I am doing all in my magical and mundane power to see to that but ultimately, even if I am wildly successful (which is not guaranteed regardless of whatever “living god” rhetoric you believe in) the end is in sight. THAT is a thing that matters to me.

When she is gone, or when my aging mother goes, just as the animals and people who have left in recent years, I will moan and wail and curse the gods again. On the other hand, as far as the loss of my former blog, I can just make more content.

And that is what I am doing.

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