Magic on the Astral Plane

How Astral Projection Applies to Magic

Astral projection refers to the practice of sending some part of your consciousness into the astral realm. There are three approaches to astral projection I discuss on this blog. While distinct these three are closely linked to the point they are functionally interchangeable. Any one of them will usually suffice for a particular astral operation. Throughout this article I will use the terms astral travel and astral projection interchangeably, although these are slightly different modalities in my vernacular.

Technically a mystical practice, astral travel can become a fundamental aspect of mastering the arts of planetary magic and spirit communication. For magicians willing to undertake its study and practice astral travel opens up a world of possibilities for exploring states and dimensions beyond the physical plane, allowing practitioners to journey through the chakras, access higher states of consciousness, and communicate with spirits and entities from other realms.

Astral Travel through the Chakras

Astral travel through the chakras is a powerful technique that involves using the energy centers in the body to facilitate out-of-body experiences. By focusing on each chakra and visualizing energy flowing through them, practitioners can move their consciousness beyond the physical body and explore the astral plane.

It’s noteworthy that some Hindu writings discuss the “travel to other planets or worlds” via the chakras. Generally considered part of the etheric and astral bodies, the chakras are obvious gateways to both our higher energetic forms and the planes on which these forms reside.

In this context it can be clearly understood how astral projection can be seen as both an “out there” and a “deep within” process. Adjacent to the chakras is of course the Tree of Life with its many Sephiroth or aspects of creation, i.e. many worlds. The pathworking practice common in contemporary Kabbalah is linked to the same channels and conduits as travelling into and by way of the chakras, as both facilitate an entering of the consciousness into a different perspective and projection onto new landscapes that read much like an objective experience.

This practice by default not only enhances one’s psychic abilities but also promotes spiritual growth and self-awareness. Translated to magical benefit, the refinement of the energy bodies will enhance all magical operations, not to mention the functional possibilities that become available through this form of projection.

Imagine, by way of example, the value provided to a spell centered in fire magic if you could project to the plane of elemental fire via the solar plexus and personally interact with the currents and spirits from which your magic is channeled.

Astral Travel and Planetary Magic

Astral projection and planetary magic go hand in hand, as practitioners can use astral travel to connect with the energies of different planets and harness their power in a profoundly personal and direct way for magical purposes. By projecting their consciousness to specific planetary realms, practitioners can work with planetary deities, spirits, and energies to manifest their intentions and desires in the physical world or to engage with esoteric practices to gain gnosis or revelation or a more potent connection with the planetary forces being worked with.

This form of astral travel requires a deep understanding of planetary correspondences and symbolism, as well as a strong connection to the astral realm. You could also utilize the chakras as a bridge or portal for work of a planetary nature as alluded to in the section above.

Astral Travel and Spirit Communication

Astral projection is also a powerful tool for spirit communication, allowing practitioners to connect with spirits, guides, and other entities in the astral realm. By projecting their consciousness to the astral realm, practitioners can communicate with spirits more clearly and receive messages, guidance, and wisdom from the other side. This form of astral travel requires a strong psychic ability and a deep connection to the spirit world, as well as a sense of trust and openness to receive messages from higher beings.

Either of the first two modalities can be used to facilitate this third type of operation. I wrote in this order to demonstrate the value of both pre-requisite learning/training and a strong framework for eclectic practice.

Always (if you don’t mind my saying so) seek to build your methodology on a stout foundation of simpler practices first which also lead into the more complex techniques and methods you learn or develop later. In this way you build a powerful framework that gives you options, adaptability, and multi-directional, multi-faceted power to deploy against your problems and funnel into your desires.

If magic isn’t about the win, why go through all the damn trouble? Just my opinion.

In conclusion, astral projection is a broad set of practices that encompasses exploring the chakras, working with planetary energies, and communicating with spirits, among many other practical and esoteric uses. Maybe it’s the mystic in me (the existence of which I denied for years despite how obviously present it was), but I have difficulty imagining a genuine route to the kind of power I crave that doesn’t involve a deep understanding of the astral concept and a working grasp of the techniques that provide access and functionality to that understanding.

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Plus a FREE Copy of my Astral Temple E-book

Learn to create a sacred space for magical operations on the astral plane. This rarely taught method is a powerhouse for getting great results with your spells and rituals and for refining your personal energy matrix. 

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