Spellings and Grammars

The word “spell” comes first from the old German word spel, meaning variously a story, telling a story, or a type of narrative song. According to the common lore: * Later, in England and elsewhere, the derivative term “spellings” referred to the entries magicians made in books they called “grammars”, in which they recorded various terms, phrases, and other verbiage in order to preserve the correct order, pronunciation, and so forth. Eventually these terms changed, as words often do, and today we refer to the books as grimoires and their catalog of entries as spells.

*This is the popular story, but it’s also a bit of an embellishment.

Spell Categories

For an article on how to cast a spell click here.

  • Etheric Messaging

    Use this when communicating with someone is difficult. Perhaps they don’t listen or somehow the meaning of your message always gets lost or mixed up. I recommend you start with meditation, even a simple countdown to relax, ground, and center. From here of course consciously enter your magical state. This is best practice prior to…

  • Basic Grounding and Centering

    These are two distinct practices often combined as one because of their relationship to one another and their inherent value in all magical work. Begin at the center and in the middle, and start connected to and held by the Mother upon which you are born, live, and die. Use these any time you need…

  • New Ideas. Creativity.

    Obviously this is a spell for inspiration. To be more specific it should be cast when you want a creative boost or new some new ideas on a specific topic. While no items are required, the spell resonates with the color yellow and aligns with the solar influence. Should you like to add some extra…

  • Find Lost Item

    This is a useful spell for locating misplaced, lost, even stolen items. If you cannot find it, give this one a try. Magic of the air seeing everywhere. Tell me, show me where is my [name lost thing]? It’s obviously somewhere. So I call you elemental air . I declare now, look here and there…

  • The Early Bird

    This spell is for someone who isn’t an avid early riser, but who needs to be up and at it early on a particular day. It was created specifically for someone who got to work early every day for many years but then changed their schedule. In this rea-life scenario, the individual found, after years…

  • Conjure Omen (Ritual)

    This is presented as a simple incantation but intended to be cast from within a larger ritual. The specifics of that ritual are left open for the reader to fill in. It is due to the nature of the magic at hand that a ritual setting is desirable, as conjuring an omen from the void…

  • Waning Moon Spell of Decrease

    Cast this spell during the waning cycle of the moon. Working also on the day and/or hour of the moon will bring even more potency but this is not mandatory. The spell can be integrated into any ritual or other operation as you wish. On its own it is a simple incantation to use when…

  • Defeat Procrastination

    This spell is for throwing off procrastination and hesitation, which are the thieves of progress and peace. Any of the stones listed will aid in this magic, but if you don’t have them or don’t wish to engage mineral magic this is a pure incantation that can be cast with nothing but your will. The…

  • Communicate with Nearby Sprit

    At the heart of many aspects of the magical paradigm is the philosophy of animism, which is the belief that spirit is everywhere and in all things. Essentially, under this belief heading everything is alive to some degree, and in some interpretations there are spirits, plural all around us in daily life. Is this so…

  • Howlite Attunement to Any Frequency

    I like spells like this because I’m a technician. I believe there are, and I strive to find and work with, metaphysical nuts and bolts in magic. In other words there are working parts and functional aspects to our magic that can be adjusted to vary the effects of the work. We can improve results…

  • Energy Clearing or Banishing

    Use this sigil to clear unwanted energy from your energy bodies and aura, to banish undesirable spirits from a room or space, or to clear/banish from another person or object. It’s a fast, multi-purpose solution for getting rid of unhelpful currents and forces. Clearing Energy from Your Body or Aura, or Purging Thought Forms, etc.…

  • Channeling Sigil

    Channeling is a term used to describe the intentional direction of energy. This sometimes means moving energy along a specific conduit or channel, such as a pathway in your energetic makeup. A channel in the context of a conduit might also mean a certain intention, line of thought, or emotional state. Still another scenario involving…

  • Crystal Magic Initiation or Attunement

    This magic is esoteric in nature, but it can be used to enhance practical magic work as well. Use this sigil for crystal magic initiation, which means: The sigil attunes your personal energy matrix to the channel of the Grand Arcanum that governs crystal and stone magic. You can call this the collective crystal field…

  • Sigil for Connecting with Mercury

    This sigil takes two existing symbols and combines them to create a vehicle for connecting with Mercury. I use the word vehicle because this is a mystical operation that, at least in the beginning, involves elevating your consciousness or projecting your awareness towards the sphere of Mercury, rather than drawing the same down for magical…

  • Sigil for Inspiration

    Maybe you are indecisive and don’t know which of your choices is the right path. Perhaps you can’t even see choices and aren’t even sure what to want in the first place. We all have difficulty with inspiration and this sigil can aid you in even the grayest of dull times. Procedure This is one…