This spell is for someone who isn’t an avid early riser, but who needs to be up and at it early on a particular day. It was created specifically for someone who got to work early every day for many years but then changed their schedule.
In this rea-life scenario, the individual found, after years of not needing to be up early, the task of being somewhere on time early in the morning was a steep challenge for them.
Enter a Little Practical Magic to Save the Day!
This spell is based on a simple incantation, which you can modify as desired. A candle magic approach to this problem can be very effective and can be used to bring more power to the work, but this can be done with the right attitude, a strong will, and the incantation alone.
Remember to Visualize
Good visualization is the core of all spellcasting. Don’t rush this. Set your mind to succeed then relax into things and spend the time to visualize clearly the scene of your success.
See yourself up and out the door like a breeze. See it come with ease. See yourself doingit whenever you please.
Go beyond just visualizing and remember the immersion technique I like to prattle on and on about. In short this means multi-sensory imagination, so not just seeing your success but being in that moment to see, hear, touch, taste, emote, and live the experience of fulfilling your desire or getting what you want. This is an excellent step to take between a calming meditation and the actual spell.
With practice you can also immerse yourself while you are casting a spell.
Early Bird Incantation
Power of the soul, shining down on me from Sol
and igniting within me to step into this role; On fire we roll!
Main Verse
Early bird gets the worm
Into the early bird I turn.
Morning candle I will burn.
Early riser’s purse I’ll earn.
Out more production will I churn.
To receive more money in return.
This resolution I hold firm.
This truth I conjure and confirm!
Repeat this as many times as you like. Repeat as it feels right to do and feels good to you.
Use the words and their rhythm to direct your will into the immersion experience or at least into the feeling that you are going to succeed.
Beyond the Incantation
Use these additional elements if you wish.
Red Jasper
Red jasper is a handy staple for quick fire magic. The stone is imbued with the active principle and endowed with assertion, strength, and speed. Use it to bolster or increase your will and then direct it into the spell.
As a stone, red jasper brings an earthy tone to the elemental fire it invokes. Duh.
This is ideal for action taking with a steadfast commitment to staying on task or seeing things through.
Yellow Candle
Yellow is air, movement, inspiration, also the Sun (and more). Obviously when you light the candle you also bring the element of fire into play.
Rub some lemon oil, Van Van oil, or essence of citrine oil onto the candle stick. Draw or carve some solar sigils and elemental air symbols into the wax, and write the following statements or similar ones from the wick end of the candle to the bottom, parallel to the stick’s length.
I get up, out, and to the job early [day/date].
I am at work before 9 a.m. [day/date].
I wake up and stay on task and leave early.
Modify these as needed. The image below should clarify how to put the statements on the candle stick. You want the candle to burn the sentences start to finish in the correct reading direction.

You could attune to the stone, create a charged field with its energy, and then prepare your candle and light it within that charged field. Or you could use either of these components separately.
Closing Thoughts
You can handle these various correspondences and components in a number of different ways. What I suggest here is just that – my suggestion which you should use if it feels solid to you but alter and tweak or reject as necessary.
An Easter Egg of Sorts
For intermediate to advanced readers or novice magicians with a good eye for detail, I mentioned how using the candle in air magic brought fire to the game. I further touched the point that red jasper, as a stone, brought elemental earth to bear on its innate fire correspondence.
This is a prod in the direction of working this or any other magic from the context or philosophy of nested elements or elemental fractals. To be more precise, fire or air is a great channel for the Early Bird spell.
If you understand this, I urge you to apply it. If you don’t know what I mean, I will be linking an article tutorial from this spell in the coming days.