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Solar Light Incantation

Solar Light Incantation

First let’s unpack and clarify some of our terms for this operation.

While this diddy is in itself esoteric magic it can be used prior to or within a practical magic setting if enhancing the solar aspect would improve results in said practical work. this spell can furthermore be used within either high or low magic per the user’s choice.

The primary method or structuring of the spell is of an Occult or Mystical nature but it can again be integrated into literally any of my other method headings, i.e. Divination, Natural Magic, and the rest.

Finally, in pure form this is an incantation but as with any incantation you can, you guessed it, add it to any other sort of operation you see fit.

The Primary Focus is the Sun Sphere

Note this heading doesn’t state the primary purpose because you might use this magic to enhance various works of differing purposes. the prime focus, however, is on the solar light, sun’s energy, the force of Sol, the Sephiroth Tipharet, and so forth with the context varying a bit depending upon how you aim to use the energy of the solar archetype.


You can also cast this incantation as stand-alone magic for no other reason but to charge your energy matric with solar influence. this alone can be a wonderful exercise, uplifting experience, empowering act, etc.

About the Components

This is another case of optional components. You may choose to perform the spell “naked”, which doesn’t mean without clothes on perv, (although that could certainly work well too with this magic) but simply means sans any material components.

The incantation is potent and will bring definite solar energies into your presence which you can choose to redirect, channel, bask in, whatever as you wish.

Any Solar Components or Correspondences will Enhance this Work

Choose any of the stones listed, burn any of the incense, light a yellow candle either as it is or adorned with sigils ad your birthdate (for your sun sign). Anything you do to correspond and collaborate with the sun sphere, or even the physical sun (i.e. cast the spell in the backyard in full sunlight) will enhance and benefit the work.

I’ve surely covered this before but it’s a thing I will repeat ever more because the inherent value whether or not apparent to you is central to the core of your magical practice and purview.

As follows: The sun, center of the planets, spheres, or gods and maker of their law, giver of the cosmic light corresponds to your soul, the center of your being, source of purpose and order, link to the divine spark but it or light. Just as the unseen god created the sun to light our world so the ineffable Spirit that is your true source created the soul. (This Spirit and source is not The Source, came from that to make the thread of you, throughout various incarnations.)

As the divine name YHWH ELOHENU, pronounced Eee-Yah-Owe-Way El-Oh-Hey-New. means (clumsily) the light that is evidence of the transcendent God that created it, your soul is the mark or evidence of the unknowable Spirit that is the beginning of you.

Clearly this Spirit is on another level of the entity or substance of the same name which we call the fifth element. The latter spirit is part of the former Spirit and merely a trace, or that portion thereof we may to some degree come to understand in a gnostic manner, whereas we can scarcely conceive of the higher Spirit, though we continue to make the botched effort.

An initiate said to an adept, “I have heard them say here, in the light of dawn is God the creator, but where?”

His elder brother replied, “Can you see the light, and what brings it, rising above the horizon?”

“Yes.” the initiate affirmed. “It lights the day that we might see and work and brings the warmth that keeps our bodies living, even through the winter months. This is the sun. Where is the God who created it?”

“That God is unseen and unknowable to our mortal minds, my brother. Look directly into the solar sphere, if you must try to see.”

“I cannot! The light is unbearable there. My eyes dare not try and behold it long.”

“So it is when one thinks he must find the face of God. It must for now be enough to see the light of his Son, which is the trace of his passing, the mark of his hand, and the marvel giving evidence to his existence.”

I will add here that your soul is the same representative of your Spirit. Hence the correspondence between the sun and soul, the solar force and your soul-ar essence. Of course all the less magnificent correspondences remain intact, creativity, wealth, mastering the masks of different personas. By considering the higher, esoteric relationship we have with the sun you can now look more deeply into these more practical uses of solar magic to find the hidden threads.

Here is your incantation to recite while in a magical state and attuned to the sun (and holding a citrine, tiger’s eye, obsidian, or other solar stone).

By yellow solar stone

I call the One Light who alone

Illuminates the world I see

and manifests all I would be!

Come down shine truly and bright,

Immerse my being in your fire and light!

Sun of God YHWH Elohenu

Give me vision and insight that is true!

Illuminate my center and core.

Reveal to me truth, beauty, and more.

In this moment of space and time aspects of my self align.

Seal in me recognition of the spark divine.

Upon me, within me, through me shine!

Enlightenment and understanding be mine!

Altiorem! Altiorem! Altiorem! Altiorem! Altiorem! Altiorem!*

* Altiorem (all-tee-oh-rem like remember) is a call to your higher self or that part of your soul which is accessible to your conscious mind.

It’s a good idea to sit a few moments with the experience brought about by this incantation. IF you feel no particular charge, surge, inspiration, etc. perhaps you should try the spell again but this time pule on the solar correspondences and build up the yellow/gold energy before reciting the spell.

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