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Five Knots Elemental Initiation

Five Knots Elemental Initiation

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Use this spell as your initiation into elemental magic, or as an esoteric exercise for experiencing and charging your energy matrix with the elemental qualities. In addition to the symbolic-unconscious gesture of initiation, this magic can provide you with a magical boost of elemental currents.

Charging your energy bodies and aura thusly with all five elements can have various results, including:

  1. A feeling of overwhelm, irritation, or confusion from too many variant energies at once.
  2. Typical symptoms of excess for any of the four elements, i.e. lazy or grumpy, over emotional or anxious, angry or spazzed out, spaced out or air-headed, etc.
  3. A definite charge of one or two elemental energies, with the remaining qualities having been muted, grounded out, etc. automatically by your energetic system the same way your digestive system might deal with a toxin.
  4. Harmony, balance, vivid awareness of the now plus your own multi-dimensional nature. Increase the chances of this result by anointing yourself with Abtina oil or meditating with a citrine ahead of the main operation.

Main Operation

Having properly banished, cleared, and so forth and arrived at the proper state of consciousness for magic, take up your rope or cord and commence tying your five knots, one at a time along with the incantation as follows:

  1. “Earth, structure and stability you support me and I tie power into thee!
  2. Water, intuition and adaptability flow through me and I tie power into thee!
  3. Fire, ecstasy and intensity burn inside of me and I tie power into thee!
  4. Air, mobility and mental capability bestow on me and I tie power into thee!

With these knots each of ye connect to me and through me the elementary qualities.

5. By spirit I bind all of these up in me so mote it be and I tie power into thee!

Phorlock, Taliahad, Arel, Chasan, behold, hear, and attend me

Angels of these elements initiate me and set my magical destiny.


Close the work in the manner appropriate to your situation. A pentagram banishing ritual or chakra clearing would work fine for dismissing excess energy.

The cord can be kept in a chest or box used to safely store magical talismans when they are not in use. You may use the talisman for magical purposes but I do not recommend using it as an amulet.

Alternatively you may opt to destroy or dispose of the talisman and release its energy. In this event the energy will fade from your aura in a short time, probably no longer than a day or two. Methods of disposal should be symbolically elemental, i.e. burn, bury, set adrift downstream, or tear into confetti and scatter.

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