Spell Category:
Throat Chakra

Etheric Messaging

Use this when communicating with someone is difficult. Perhaps they don’t listen or somehow the meaning of your message always gets lost or mixed up.

I recommend you start with meditation, even a simple countdown to relax, ground, and center. From here of course consciously enter your magical state. This is best practice prior to any magical work, of course.

Rise Through the Chakras

Begin with awareness at the base chakra. Slowly enough to feel each level of ascent, rise from the base through the sacral chakra, into the solar plexus chakra, up through the heart chakra, and finally rest within the throat chakra.

Very briefly move through the third eye and crown chakra then return to the throat. Visualize the symbol for the throat chakra, or Vishuddha, shown above this spell.

Dwell in this space a moment.

Understand the throat chakra channels ether and vital force into your aura and body in addition to governing communication from convos between people to contact with your spirit guides and all other forms. Realize the link between the ether upon which our material world rests and the act of communicating with another living being.


Transmit Message

Focus upon the recipient of your message. Focus well and try to contact them with your mind.

Send your message through the throat chakra and to the recipient. You can think the words or speak them aloud just be sure they pass through the throat chakra and be sure to visualize the recipient.

Say this incantation:

[Recipient’s Name] this message shall reach you.

You will receive for we are afloat on the same etheric sea.

Chords of your favorite song carry this message along.

You hear me clearly.

You know my heart. Receive my message into your aura and let it reach you.

Be sure to speak these words also through the throat chakra. Channel your will into the words.

Before next you see this person telepathically re-send your message.

On sight, send the message into their mind once more. If you can make eye contact with them as you do this it would be ideal.

Be patient. They may not immediately process all you send. It could take time and they may never admit it if they even realize it consciously.

This is work on the non-conscious mind of your recipient that I hope will make them more receptive to further communication you enter with them.

Throat Chakra