Ease the Pain of a Broken Heart

Ease the Pain of a Broken Heart

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The pain of a deep heartache can be unbearable. This pain could be from a romantic breakup, the passing on of a dear one, or a number of other scenarios. This spell will help, even if only a little.

Do this work on Friday if possible or on the hour of Venus. If you’re in no state to fuss over timing do it in a quiet place and face north while you work.

The Candle

On your pink candle, which should be a chime or small taper, something you can reasonably burn completely in an hour or two, draw or carve with a needle or similar instrument a heart in two halves, clearly broken apart. Under this make the sigil of Venus. Below the sign of Venus draw a complete heart, in one piece.

Be sure the sequence of symbols is as shown above so they will burn in order as the candle burns. This obviously shows the desired flow of events; heart broken, Venus comes along to help, then heart healed.

On another side of the candle write the phrase “Heal my heart.”. Write this in such a way that a burning candle will consume each letter in proper reading order. The sentence should run from top to bottom on the candle.


Either a piece or rose quartz or kunzite will do fine. You will hold this in the hand opposite your writing hand, or the receptive hand.


Do not try to deny or avoid your hurt as you perform this magic. In fact you will need it with you.

Set the candle in front of you, as you face north. Sit with your pain for a moment, then holding your minerals close your eyes and center your awareness in your heart chakra.

This energy center is in the middle of your chest behind the sternum or breastbone and you will feel it when you seek it. Be aware of the heart chakra for a moment, just noticing the sensation of its energy and any rhythm or motion you detect.

After a moment, imagine your heart center as a spheroid of bright green, shimmering light. Purposely feel the energy of the heart, love, kindness, happiness, compassion, gratitude etc. Cause this light to grow steadily, and let the feelings grow with it. Finally, the light engulfs you within your aura and the energies of kindness, gratitude, etc. permeate your awareness.

Now, from within the heart center, as if a great magnet is placed there, pull towards you the female essence of a lovely lady in a garden space as you call her name: L’La. (L-Lah)

Call to her seven times as you imagine pulling her into your heart, again as if a great magnet in your chest draws her spirit to you. Maintain the good feelings you have deliberately created as you call this spirit of the Venusian sphere. Use the rose quartz or kunzite to help pull her to you. She will not resist, but will let you do the work here.

After the seventh calling light the candle. You can release the intentionally created heart-centric feelings at this time.

Take a moment to check on your hurt. If it isn’t with you conjure it back up.

Say this incantation.

Lady in the garden fair, spirit of Venus earth and air. Balance my energy in equal part, let my joy measure to my hurting heart.

Repeat this as many times as you like. What you are calling for here is a modest, reasonable change in your state. you aren’t trying to forget all the hurt and be Mr. or Mrs. Joy, as that is either an often-unrealistic leap or unhealthy denial. You want to feel human again, at least capable of being happy in equal measure to your hurt as you shift through the moods and cycles of your day.

After your incantation or while you recite it, you can use your imagination and memory to call up the feelings of joy and relief. You can produce these if you concentrate. Really build this up within. You may optionally visualize it as a pink or white glow that fills your aura then sit with it for a moment.

Next, return attention to the pain in your heart and the cause thereof. Don’t look away from it or try to squash it. In fact look directly at it. Let it be present with you in full.

Hurt. Let it hurt however bad it must and then some. If you have tears to shed then shed them now and in great abundance. Let the tears of your hurting heart fall to the ground like rain onto a dry plane that is desperate for a drink.

It hurts, goddammit so let it hurt and then hurt more and wail your agony to the sky above and then to the earth below. Cry as much and as long as you need to, and when you feel the first real break, when you can honestly take in a full breath without being interrupted by another wave of wailing, STOP.

Site quietly in that stop. Be aware of the candle and think back to L’lah, the spirit of the Lady in the Garden. Now conjure the joy again, slowly and methodically bring the light and happiness back into yourself. I don’t care if it is bullshit and “pretend”, do it anyway and mean it.

Dwell in this joyful space a moment and then relax into that moment. At this point do not force any emotional state simply sit with what is there. Sit still and quiet as long as you like.

You may repeat the entire emotional sequence if you like, now or at any time in the future. When your part of the work is done, meaning when you have done all you care to do, recite this farewell:

L’lah depart unto the remaining work. Go with my thanks and go in peace and leave with me the magic that still must be completed within me.

Allow the candle to burn completely, whether in your presence or in a safe spot as you go about your day. I am not telling you it’s safe to burn unattended candles, only to be sure the candle burns down one way or another. It is important that the symbols and words on the candle are burned completely away, even if this must be done in multiple, subsequent burnings.

Among the handful of takeaways here, meaning points worth considering that can also be taken into various other magical operations, of primary value is the realization that you can control what you feel in the moment if you are willing to learn and work the skills needed to do so. Sometimes this calls for discipline, but it becomes easier with practice for you to dictate your feelings rather than be subject to them.

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