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Conjure Omen (Ritual)

Conjure Omen (Ritual)

Spell Category__

This is presented as a simple incantation but intended to be cast from within a larger ritual. The specifics of that ritual are left open for the reader to fill in. It is due to the nature of the magic at hand that a ritual setting is desirable, as conjuring an omen from the void is potentially some heavy magical lifting.

To clarify an omen is a sign from the spirit world, the gods, fate, or whatever you believe is running the destiny software in this universe. An omen can not only foretell events but also indicate which path to take when you are uncertain.

When to Perform

Enact this magic on a Wednesday or the hour of Mercury is oni another day. Mercurial energy is suitable due to that sphere’s association with divine communication.

Some may opt for Thursday or the hour of Jupiter on another day. This could be due to the planet’s role as authority figure among the spheres and its association with destiny.

The Minimum

At the very least cast your magic circle and call each of the four elements into the quarters. This is of course done after a thorough banishing and clearing of the self and area to remove unhelpful energy.

Make your calling to Mercury in the east. The planets sigil, some divine and angelic names in order from most high to servant beings, incense of Lavendar and/or Yarrow, and an orange candle should do the trick. To focus the planetary energy to your intent you can of course use the planetary intelligence or, if you’d rather avoid the fuss in this case you can use the rune Ansuz to focus Mercury’s currents to your specific ends.

Ansuz Rune


With the labradorite in hand or worn and the intention to call down a sign from the divine, incant:

Divine messenger hear me.

Come lay your work near me.

In a manner I shall recognize with ears to hear or seeing eyes.

Down from the heavens bring a message from your queen and king.

Show me what I need to see to know and protect my destiny.


Give ears to hear and eyes to see.

The message you will bring to me!

Repeat as desired. Your omen will come at the appropriate time so be watchful and alert.

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