Practical and Esoteric Magic

Natural Magic and Ritual Explained

Crystal Magic Sigil

Crystal Magic Initiation or Attunement

This magic is esoteric in nature, but it can be used to enhance practical magic work as well. Use this sigil for crystal magic initiation, which means:

  • You are new to crystals or want to start over with a clean slate.
  • Initiation can sometimes also refer to simply beginning an operation. In this case you can use the sigil at the start of any crystal or gemstone operations.

The sigil attunes your personal energy matrix to the channel of the Grand Arcanum that governs crystal and stone magic. You can call this the collective crystal field or whatever you like. Note that often when I say “crystal magic” I refer to “mineral magic” broadly, but in this case I specifically mean work with crystals and gemstones, and not rocks or metals.

Making the Sigil

Crystal Magic Sigil
  • First draw the diamond from the top, moving to your right with the first stroke. Execute the last three strokes, continuing in the same direction to finish the diamond. This represents the field of conscious energy connecting all crystal types and individuals.
  • Draw the line from left to right, making the left vertical bar first, then the long horizontal, finishing with the right vertical bar. This is your connection to the crystal field.
  • Make the circle over the diamond. This is the expanse of air.
  • Draw the square below the diamond. This is the finality of earth.
  • Draw the big C shape to the left, representing the receptivity of water.
  • Make the small c shape to the right to symbolize the penetrating focus of fire.

You can fold this sigil towards yourself and then pace it in a box or bag where you store crystals. Or you could carry it in your wallet.

You may instead prefer to destroy the medium containing the sigil to release its energy into your current work. This act should correspond to the appropriate element for your work or our preference.