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Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Magic

In the language of the occultist and magician these are the two spheres of power or being. Macrocosmic means the cosmos, the heavens or outer planes, and the planets and gods. Microcosmic refers to the human being with nature as the backdrop and spirit flowing through both nature and humanity. You could say we are dealing with the realms of the divine and the natural, the first having entered the second to give it spirit and life.

People often incorrectly assert that microcosmic magic is the work of the four elements and macrocosmic magic deals with the planetary powers. This is a highly skewed and simply inaccurate portrayal of the matter.

The elemental qualities are present in both the macrocosm and the microcosm, so in both the galaxy around us and in you, me, and whoever. You may have noticed this in astrology with the assignment of ruling elements to the signs and planets.

The macrocosmic elements are typically expressed through the hexagram in one form or another while the microcosmic elements are channeled through the pentagram and sometimes through the cross as well. These are two distinct magical methods with their own tools, lore, and approaches yet the four energetic qualities we call “the elements” are present in both spheres.

The microcosmic elements are the qualities of energy or agents of energy as they are expressed in you and in the natural world. Macrocosmic elements are either the archetypal expression of an element or an element on a grander scale that could influence entire generations of people and even cosmic and terrestrial events from star formation in deep space to cataclysms here on earth.

It is equally false to assume the planets are the strict assets of macrocosmic magic. While they may take a sort of center stage in macrocosmic workings, the planetary powers, whether the seven classical spheres or the modern interpretation of at least ten and possibly seventeen or more centers play a role in the personal and thus microcosmic domain.

This should be obvious by the mere fact that astrology is a thing. Yes?

When we talk in terms of microcosmic or macrocosmic magic one key factor for determining the pertinent approach is often the focal point. In other words: what, where, or whom is the magic seeking to influence, and in what way?

Almost all of the practical magic we can list is going to fall under the microcosmic heading. Much of the work the ends up in the macrocosmic column is going to be esoteric in nature.

These aren’t absolute rules or truths but this is situation returned by my experience, upon careful examination. Strict philosophies and dogmatic interpretations may cause problems with this configuration, as usual.

For instance, one might wish to argue that a charm aimed at keeping the neighbor’s chickens out of my mother’s flower beds is macrocosmic for, after all, did I not invoke the restrictive powers of Saturn and the preventative, protective force of the Red Star (Mars)? It’s true, I did call on planetary forces, but I channeled them personally into a very local and personal scenario.

Opinions will vary and I can see both arguments here. I must leave you with a conundrum on the matter of barred chickens, as I don’t have anything I can spin as definite.

To further exemplify the absurdity of all these terms I am forced to try and juggle as a magic blogger, let me tell you that macrocosmic work is often engaged for its benefit of personal transformation, awakening, and healing. In most ubiquitous form the magician can engage with cosmic powers and forces to gain insight, enlightenment, healing, and all manner of prizes from the spiritual development category.

If this sounds like the template for religion as set forth in ancient times, you’ve been paying attention. We’re talking channeling the macrocosm to improve the microcosm.

I admit it: this is a thing I sometimes do.

Out There, In Here

For further potential confusion, let’s swat the notion that enacting magic to affect other people or exterior circumstances must necessarily be macrocosmic because it is outside of the magician’s body and aura. This is an erroneous interpretation of the microcosm as only the individual, for it (microcosm) may also include all sublunary or terrestrial concerns, i.e. nature.

From this perspective we may take up the philosophical shield of “there’s no out there and everything is within me.” Through adequate personalization and immersion, we can feel the rush of Aham Brahman Asmi, or the I am the universe and find that solving “exterior” problems is easiest when we assume responsibility for the problem as part of our making or indeed part of ourselves.


Yes? Fantastic. My work for the day is done.

Apologies, but I am contractually obligated to, at least once per month, leave you with more questions than answers and in a generally befuddled state. It aids the growth process, plus helps me come across as “all mystical and shit”.

One last note: Microcosmic and macrocosmic magic can both be achieved via either natural or ritual magic methodology.

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