Programming a Crystal

How to Program a Crystal for Magic

A solid idea to emerge within contemporary mineral magic is the programming of minerals for specific tasks. This technique is essentially a truncated form of sanctification, or setting aside for something special, you can perform on your stones and crystals to improve their effectiveness.

It’s straightforward. By setting your piece up to focus on one or two tasks or uses, all of the mineral’s energy and power are shifted into that specific focus. this makes for a very effective magical tool.

Here are some thoughts on this practice plus a framework for building your technique.

Magnify Existing Traits and Leverage Correspondences

Make the most of this technique by focusing on a trait or attribute of the crystal to be programmed or focus on a corresponding energy the mineral is harmonious with. In other words only program a crystal or stone for magic it is already capable of.

Don’t program an amethyst for the work of or with the qualities of elemental fire, for example. Instead program this crystal for operations with elemental water.

Don’t try to instill magic of heavy, grounded energy into a lapis lazuli. The stone wants to flow with the energy of air or perhaps water, so this is the route to go.

You already know hematite is great for grounding during astral projection, or that is a strong fire of earth (think fire-in-earth) current. Program your hematite accordingly.

Duh. Am I right?

Great let’s move on then.

Here is one way to program your minerals.

  • First cleanse the piece. Do this either with running water and the chant “I cleanse thee/you.” or, for minerals like calcite that will crumble under water exposure, use the smoke of sage or a dowsing pendulum.
  • Next, enact a mindfulness meditation with the crystal in front of you. Use breath awareness or any other ‘here and now, in stillness” meditation you like to anchor into the moment.
  • From mindfulness connect with your crystal by first gazing at it, then onto it, and finally into it.
  • As you gaze into the crystal repeat “Silinminrico”. This sounds like SEE-LEEN-MEEN-REE-KO. Use your crown chakra during the chant to facilitate contact with the field of spirit and then the essence or living spirit of the crystal.
  • Telepathically tell the mineral what you are programming it to do. Keep this in a simple, clear format as one statement. Examples: you will channel into me the energy and courage of the warrior, you will open my third eye and aid with clear seeing, you will ring lucidity and clarity to my dreams, you will protect me from legal and police troubles, etc.
  • Write your programming statement on a card or piece of paper. burn this and hold the mineral in the smoke from the fire.
  • Incantation to recite: Mineral of mine, I give myself to you. Accept this programming as perfect and true. Together we work the common magic of this task! Repeat as needed or desired.

With this done put the mineral away or put it to work.

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