Four Worthy Pursuits

Four Worthy Pursuits

Once initiated upon the magical path, there are (among other considerations) four worthy pursuits one might consider as they study and practice. Think of these as levels of proficiency or prowess within your Art, as represented by key attributes related to each advancement.

These aren’t strict divisions. Magic is not a video game. I put these to you for use if they help you and disposal if they are of no value to you.

My interpretation of Four Worthy Pursits for the one who practices magic are:

Feel and Receive

This is intuition and the development of receptivity for receiving insight, communication with spirits, and gnosis. The magical initiate may have a prior psychic aptitude, if not these traits can, but don’t always, spontaneously develop with ongoing magical or mystical work. Some students of magic will have to place a concerted effort into this development while for others the feelings and sensitivities of intuition and subtle energy emerge as a matter of course.

Sense and Perceive

Here is the refinement of the first, to a point beyond impressions and synchronicity. Now you can communicate clearly with the unseen realm. There are any ways to approach the path, but for many magical practitioners interacting with spirits of various forms and grades is part and parcel of the journey. Those not inclined to this perspective can consider the perceptions and clarity in the context of spirit guides or the higher self.

Know and Understand

Next, the advancement of wisdom, or assimilated knowledge, and understanding, the bridge between knowing and doing. It is one thing to learn notions from a page, but another to ingest and inherit knowledge so that it is part of you, and another thing still to move with and as if possessed by this knowledge. These latter two are wisdom and understanding.

Act and Command

The precipice of the adept becoming is the constant action of Will, even if it appears he or she is still and quiet with no particular wish or desire. Our will is a natural part of our being, or a natural state for the human condition to inhabit. When this will matures and comes into the individual’s true power, that one commands the powers and elements and is readily answered, perhaps even obeyed by the spirits he or she calls. This is the state of the true mover and shaker, the great miracle maker.

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