Magical Symbols

Magic Symbols: Unconscious Communication

Symbols are a Magical Language

It would be fair and accurate to say magic is expressed and conveyed in large part through the use of symbols. The teaching, learning, and everyday use of magic as a utility and the expression of magic as an art rely heavily on a sort of eclectic symbology that runs through the written and spoken communication between magicians and the operations practitioners use to maintain and shape their worlds.

Without symbols I honestly don’t see how we would have magic. As a whole, meaning the various sets of glyphs, runes, signs, and seals across time and cultures that have been used and are still used magically, we can objectify the tapestry of symbols as a symbolic lexicon which any individual can draw from, ignore, and tailor to his or her own style and methods.

Clarification: Defining “Symbol”

I guess I should drop back and define the term to be clear: A symbol is an act, character, image, sound, or belief that represents something effectively and without the use of explanatory language. In particular this post is concerned with visual symbols, such as character symbols, signs, seals, and so on. A visual symbol of this nature is something you can see in a glance and understand very well what it means.

Or not. Symbols can transcend intellectual understanding and convey information or substance on an intuitive or unconscious level. Perhaps you have laid eyes on a sigil or glyph and, while unable to articulate your understanding verbally, you felt a strong sense of what the symbol represented, or just felt a definite surge of energy that held a distinct feeling or sensation.

This hypothetical or past experience illustrates how symbols communicate directly with our unconscious mind. There is an old axiom that says (in paraphrase) first you learn what a symbol means, and then you forget what you learn, allowing the symbol and its meaning to dissolve and become part of your unconscious being.

Have a look at the image below, which shows two symbols side-by-side.

What do the two symbols above represent or communicate?

Look first at the symbol on the left. Really take it in. what do you think is being conveyed there? What do you feel the symbol is communicating?

Next, focus on the symbol on the right. Be open and without an agenda, and just receive the symbol’s message. What do you think and feel?

Let’s add context. Imagine you are travelling on foot along a path of some sort, and you encounter these symbols, each at a different time. How does this change what they might mean or represent?

Finally, let’s make it personal. Focus on each symbol for a moment, then imagine it is your own magical symbol to be used for a specific purpose. What magical operation would you use each symbol for?

What purpose might the symbol on the left serve? If it were yours to use as you wish, how would you apply it magically?

Now the symbol on the right, how would you use it or what would it mean if it were your symbol?

Obviously there are no wrong answers to any of this. The purpose of this post is to let you experience the intuitive way symbols communicate with us and to practice expressing yourself via symbols.

Symbol Magic Made Simple!

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Learn to create a sacred space for magical operations on the astral plane. This rarely taught method is a powerhouse for getting great results with your spells and rituals and for refining your personal energy matrix. 

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