Charged Field

I love sharing techniques or methods that very obviously embody, and therefore illustrate, the energetic underpinnings of magic as a whole. This one is so fundamental to all magic that I can’t believe how rarely I see it discussed in literature or on blogs.

Perhaps the omission is because it’s such a basic, obvious concept people don’t see the need to discuss it. Maybe, for most magicians, this concept is always implied by the presence of magic. I’m a little dense I guess, so I never felt it was just a “no shit” idea, and needed to make myself focus on it for a while to avoid losing sight of a valuable practice.

What is a Charged Field

I am of course referring to magically charged fields of energy, which are exactly what the descriptive title implies. These are finite areas of the subtle energy matrix within ad around us that we deliberately impregnate (as Bardon would say) or program (ala Cunningham) with very specific energetic qualities.

We do this to create magical effects and we do it all the time as we practice our Art. Obvious examples include magic circles, which change the area of a physical space and its adjoined subtle areas to a specific frequency. Perhaps less obvious is the fact that every spell or ritual creates one or more charged fields that execute our will and influence reality on our behalf.

It is difficult to quantify such energetic phenomenon, other than to say they are finite because we know they are not infinite in nature. We can generalize quantity sometimes by the intention we hold within magical work, but most of the time we focus primarily upon the quality of our charged fields.

Magical correspondences collected during a ritual create a charged field that we use to influence reality.

A single quartz crystal held in the receptive hand creates a charged field to energize our chakras and aura.

A magic wand creates a charged field, then converts it into a beam or teleports it to where and when we intend to affect magically.

Think of all your magic in terms of charged fields, and you have something of substance to conceptualize and focus on when raising and sending energy. Start playing with this now so you’ll have some practice by the next post I make o this topic.