Practical and Esoteric Magic

Natural Magic and Ritual Explained

Glossary Terms

In the true practice of magic it is increasingly important that we develop, refine, and maintain a consistent, internal terminology and nomenclature for discourse amongst ourselves, educating newcomers, and occasionally interfacing with those outside of our subculture. This glossary is my attempt towards this end, though it is most likely in vain. You may or may not see these terms echoed by other magic writers and bloggers.

  • prerogative

    the actionable policy derived from a principle, which in this context is a personal conviction.

  • principle

    1. a usually self-evident idea emerging from or following naturally in the logic of a magical axiom.
    2. a personal conviction that leads to ethical guidelines or policy of magical undertaking, which is often called a prerogative.
  • Principle

    A tenant of knowledge held to be either true or likely true until displaced by a better explanation. Often these are derived from axioms and modified as needed through experience and observation.

  • projective hand

    the hand (and arm) most apt in a person for sending or projecting energy or force; usually but not always the hand the person writes with and more often the arm/hand one throws a ball or uses a hammer with, should this limb be different from the writing hand.

  • purpose

    the preprogrammed or inevitable outcome of something’s existence, or the nature of something with regards to how it interacts with reality 2. what a thing or individual is made, meant, or intended to do or accomplish.

  • receptive hand

    the hand and arm that most naturally receives or takes in energy, usually the opposite of the writing hand and certainly opposite the hand one would throw a ball or use a hammer with.

  • ritual

    A series of actions or behaviors performed in a specific order, often with symbolic meaning. Rituals can be religious or secular, simple or complex, and can be performed individually or in groups.