Practical and Esoteric Magic

Natural Magic and Ritual Explained

Glossary Terms

  • ritual

    A series of actions or behaviors performed in a specific order, often with symbolic meaning. Rituals can be religious or secular, simple or complex, and can be performed individually or in groups.

  • seal

    A symbol, often of an individual person or spirit, or of an organization or hierarchy, that carries or contains power attributed to the individual or organization it represents. this power can be authoritative or actual, a symbol of power or the power itself.

  • sigil

    1. A personal symbol, representing a sentient being, that can be used to communicate with or access the power of the being it represents. 2. Character or symbol form of a specific magical act or event. Not to be confused with a symbol of said magic, the sigil is the particular magic in two-dimensional form.
  • sign

    Visual symbol that indicates something specific or carries a greeting or message.

  • subtle

    Class of energy representing the higher vibratory ranges. This class of energy is not usually available to the five mundane senses but can be detected via psychic sensory. Cannot be measured using physical equipment but can be observed or found via divination. Not accepted by academia. Also called mystical energy.

  • symbol

    A thing, usually an image or act but can be any item or attribute of an item, that quickly, clearly, and coherently represents a person, place, thing, or idea. Symbol is x that represents y.

  • talisman

    A magic item or object that is charged with certain powers and may be deployed by thought, verbal command, or other trigger. Distinct from amulet in that a talisman must be triggered or activated to use its magic.

  • worldview

    a construct formed in large part unconsciously with some assistance from our conscious efforts, and it encompasses one’s overarching beliefs about the nature of magic, the existence of supernatural forces or entities, the relationship between the physical and spiritual realms, how these different “parts” of reality function, and so forth.