Practical and Esoteric Magic

Natural Magic and Ritual Explained

Glossary Terms

In the true practice of magic it is increasingly important that we develop, refine, and maintain a consistent, internal terminology and nomenclature for discourse amongst ourselves, educating newcomers, and occasionally interfacing with those outside of our subculture. This glossary is my attempt towards this end, though it is most likely in vain. You may or may not see these terms echoed by other magic writers and bloggers.

  • amulet

    a magical item or object charmed with certain properties that continually emanates its magical effect. unlike a talisman, which must be activated or deliberately put to use, an amulet “runs all the time”.

  • attune

    to connect to and align with, come into harmony with, take on like energy as, a field or current of energy; to do the same with a being, creature, spirit. attunement, etc.

  • axiom

    A foundational assumption that is believed to be reliable and efficacious. Indeed a good axiom should have a tradition of experience and experimentation behind it. Note an axiom may or may not reflect objective or empirical reality, which is a tall order in the first place, but it is expected to be testable and observable.

  • cause

    1. process or lack thereof usually preceding and contributing to something’s existence or occurrence 2. events or circumstances resulting in the object’s existence, current state, or present activity.

  • ceremonial

    Derived from ceremony, which is a formal event or series of events with a specific purpose, often marking a significant occasion or transition. Ceremonies often include rituals as part of their structure.

  • chakra

    Sanskrit word meaning wheel and referring to subtle energy centers in the human energetic matrix. These centers emanate, channel, and manage specific types of energy and are found throughout the etheric and astral bodies. The seven primary chakras run along the vertical channel in the center of the torso and parallel to the spine.

  • chakras

    See chakra. Most often when people use this word in plural form they are referring to the seven primary chakras along the middle pillar or Sushumna channel.