Stone & Crystal Combinations

Stone & Crystal Combinations that get Results!

This material is focused on one thing only, and that is reader results. We guarantee you have not seen and certainly have not tried many of the combinations listed in this material.

Gemstone and crystal magic continues to soar in popularity, but how many books reprint and rehash the same, fuzzy-bunny “just be positive” material that is little more than a new age pep talk? Stone & Crystal Combinations that Get Results comes to you from two practicing magicians whose purpose in this age is to aid in the distribution and sharing of genuine knowledge to help the modern mystic and magician meet their personal goals.

The authors of this work do not care about established beliefs and dogmas within the Pagan, Mind & Body, New Age, or Self-Help industries, and are concerned only with imparting useful and technical information that can be acted upon regardless of the reader’s philosophical or religious inclinations. Try the crystal and gemstone combinations and mineral magic exercises in this book and see for yourself if their work is worthy of support.