Learn Magic: Easy to Follow Step-by-Step

Magical Handbook

Get Your Complete Handbook for my System of Magic I originally put this together as my own reference, and later printed copies for others who wanted to learn some of the basics of magic. It’s a reference book for some basic operations that can be used as the backbone of a simple practice, and it […]

Magic Wand Basics Revisited

Short, easy guide on how to use the magic wand whether in a ritual magic or natural magic setting. Whether you are a Witch, a Theurgist, Thaumaturgist, Ceremonial Magician, Folk Conjurer, or an eclectic magician who takes from here and there to make your own system, you can learn and use these easy fundamentals to […]

Magic Circles Made Easy

The core nexus of a magician’s power dwells in the magic circle he or she raises before spell casting or ritual work. Too many contemporary practitioners consider the magic circle a stuffy relic of the past, to be forgotten. Such thinking prohibits the naysayer from reaching their full magical potential. This brief work will lay […]

Simple Magic with Sacred Symbols

Harness and direct the nearly timeless power of 33 carefully selected occult symbols. This short and simple workbook makes it easy, even if you have no prior magical experience.This is 21st century magic, made for the contemporary student of the ancient ways, packaged and presented so you can read the entire e-book in a single […]

Stone & Crystal Combinations that get Results!

This material is focused on one thing only, and that is reader results. We guarantee you have not seen and certainly have not tried many of the combinations listed in this material. Gemstone and crystal magic continues to soar in popularity, but how many books reprint and rehash the same, fuzzy-bunny “just be positive” material […]

* Magic Circles Made Easy *

The core nexus of a magician”s power dwells in the magic circle he or she raises before spell casting or ritual work. Too many contemporary practitioners consider the magic circle a stuffy relic of the past, to be forgotten. Such thinking prohibits the naysayer from reaching their full magical potential. This brief work will lay […]