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Practical and Esoteric Magic

Natural Magic and Ritual Explained

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Category: Elemental Magic

Elemental magic focuses on a 3, 4, or 5 elements system, depending on the philosophy the magician is employing. This site references a four-elements system of earth, water, fire, and air with can also be stated as a five-element system: earth, water, fire, air, and spirit/ether.

These elemental headings are a qualitative method for describing currents and frequencies of energy, gross or subtle. Thus elemental magic is really a comprehensive program for addressing any practical or esoteric concerns but doing so at the level of fundamental energy. Think of it as affecting the source code of a problem, person, or situation and seeking to alter or protect things y influencing the basic energy everything involved is made up of or driven by.

Elemental magic is engaged at the microcosmic level, meaning humanity and life/phenomena on earth, and at the macrocosmic level, or the realm of the planets and Zodiac. there are two distinct system, methods, and approaches (at least) for micro or macro elemental magic.