Axioms of Magic
An axiom is a foundational assumption that is expected to be reliable but may not be objectively true. The study of magic is filled with things that can never be fully known or proven. What matters is that we can use axioms to build a paradigm and philosophy that, when combined through our praxis, produce desirable results in our practice.
A principle is an actionable idea or self-evident proposition that follows, meaning it is derived from, an axiom. Principles may also be personal values that compel action. In either case principles often lead to prerogatives, or guidelines and policies for magical undertaking.
Neither the collective axioms, their individual titles, nor their explanations found on this site are universally accepted. Should you find different terms or explanations elsewhere don’t panic; simply accept people’s rights to be wrong in public and return here to review the correct terms and definitions.
Axiom: Magic is an Agent of Influence
Magic is subject to its own internal laws, the continuum of cause and effect, and whatever adjacent and opposite forces and factors may enhance or impede its movement and process. It is not a guaranteed outcome, but an agent that influences reality per your instruction and subject to your capability.
Axiom of Forces in Motion
The enactment of magic sets into motion currents of force that originate from higher frequency realms and descend into the physical world to create a magical effect. These currents often use the magician as a conduit for entry and also take the path of least resistance to fulfill their purpose.
Principle of Critical Threshold
There is too little until there is enough, at which point the illusion of not enough vanishes and the truth of plenty shines through.
Axiom: Magic is a Skill
What we call magic is a set of skills built upon prerequisite learning, requiring maintenance and upkeep, typically graduating in complexity as the user advances.
Axiom of Worldviews and Pragmatism
Our worldview informs our experience of reality, which of course impacts our magic and all else. Pragmatism essentially says if it works, it is real.
Principle of Relative Truth and Paradox
Absolute truth is a difficult proposition, perhaps inherently unviable in this reality. At the very least we must admit that sometimes a thing can be both true and false in the same space and time and may even be meaningless from yet another perspective. Understanding can be a three-edged sword.
Principle of Belief
Belief, in magical terminology, is a utility to be picked up and used as needed and then either filed away or discarded. The magician need not become attached to a particular belief but should learn to use any belief as a tool to focus the will and program magical energy.
Axiom of the ALL
The ONE reality encompassing all versions and variations of all that is objectively and subjectively real, everywhere, everywhen, everyhow, always and forever, before this and never is the ALL. It is all that has been, is, will be, and even could be and is without only what cannot be.
Principle of Unity
It follows from the axiom of the ALL that everything is connected to or a part of everything else. This is the Oneness often referenced by spiritual teachings and is an unavoidable attribute of reality.
Principle of Animism
Spirit moves through every form and shape, leaving nothing untouched by it. Mind is carried by the substance of spirit and life emerges from the same spirit, so that everything, everywhere can be called conscious and alive.
Axiom of Duality
Within the All, which stems from the ONE, there emerges in the descent from the Great Spirit to physical reality and the individual, the duality, or polarity upon which the phenomenal world is constructed. This is God and Nature, expressed variously as spirit and matter, masculine and feminine, et al and stated in the East…
Principle of Cause and Effect
Every movement provokes a response, every action produces a reaction, and every intention provides feedback.
Axiom of Connection and Correspondence
As above, so below and as below, so above. As within, so without and as without, so within. A harmonious energetic relationship connects all levels of reality and spans every facet of the same reality. The Eastern maxim that is counterpart (or correspondence!) to this axiom states simply: The interior reflects the exterior, and the…
Principle of Reflection
Every part contains the whole in an infinite hierarchy of nested realities.
Axiom of Inherent Order and Placement
All things are in their place. Every event unfolds exactly as it meant to do. All is as it should be.