Simple Magic Formula

Axiom of Forces in Motion

Forces in Motion: A Few Details

The magical process involves inspiration, creation, formation, densification, and manifestation as covered here. In essence, by the time the magician begins to enact formal magical proceedings, he or she is forming the product of intent on the astral plane.

This is the result of visualization, immersion, and so on. Once completed, this effort sets into motion magical forces that will descend from the astral, through various stages of the ether, and into our material world where they work to manifest the magician’s desires.

Key Takeaways

Here is a quick unpacking of the relevant points within this axiom.

Magical forces will always take the path of least resistance from inception to fulfilment. This makes it of value to be aware of where and how in your life your desire can manifest prior to enacting magic. For this reason many variations of your desired end are potential results of your effort.

During the processes of descent and manifestation magical forces will use the aura and body of the magician who conjured them as a ladder for their descent and a vehicle for entry into the material world. For this reason it is advisable to engage in psychic development and mystical practice, ensuring strong energetic ties between your personal energy matric and the universal energy matrix, and to keep active and clear the energetic meridians within you.

Because of this latter fact magical work may also take a toll on the user. The use of talismans and tools like wands and crystals, plus the acquisition of familiars and other spirit helpers is useful for mitigating the toll taken on your energy during magical work.

Note that you are subject to use as an energetic conduit by forces you set into motion not only during the magical operation or magical act, but also in the time thereafter.

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