Ash L'har

Who is behind this blog and what’s their deal anyway?

(Sigh) it’s complicated…

Just kidding it totally isn’t.

Who Are We?

The four people who contribute content to this site are:

  1. A nearly anonymous recluse named Vayan Braouwn who rarely contributes anything of value.
  2. A weirdo named Ash L’har who writes most of the material under rockhousewizard.
  3. An asshole named Bein Farr who occasionally contributes the darker shit you’ll find here under the handle toofar.
  4. A pain-in-the-ass student of mine who won’t go away but does post some decent content now and then who we call Bean Sprout, which is also the name he publishes under.

Screw you. Do I talk that way about your name?

Anyway here’s my short spill on myself for this about page. The others have been invited and may or may not add to this page.

The Short Version of What Qualifies Me to Write About Magic

Nothing in particular.

The Longer Version

My first “teachers” were witches but not wanting another religion at that young age I didn’t join a coven. That was perfectly fine, and didn’t keep the witches from sharing with me, for they told me I had within me “the spark” needed to excel at magic.

Turns out that’s not a big deal. We all have “the spark” within, as far as I can tell.

Probably the most valuable lesson they taught me was independence and not being afraid to learn and study on my own, which I have done for many years now. I have also taken informal instruction from those farther along on the path when opportunity has presented itself.

I was blessed early on with the acquaintanceship of some very solid martial artists who introduced me to Eastern Esoteric Philosophy, which is nothing short of warrior-mysticism. Later in life I discovered the Western Mysteries which of course opened the door to western mystical and magical studies.

Acting Career, Public Office, and Subsequent Abduction by Aliens

None of that actually happened.

My mother sees dead people. This started for her as a baby in her crib.

As an experienced professional with her own small business, she managed to adjust remarkably well to this whole thing. She tends to stick to the Protestant-Christian approach to things, but she’s cool with what I do. (usually)

I said all that to tell you that I began to experience what people call paranormal, “ghosts”, premonitions, etc. at an early age. Perhaps I was three, four at most during the earliest remembered incidents.

Things came to a somewhat spectacular head when I was sixteen, during a period of heavy activity experienced by many other people. The specific ordeal was rectified, and overall activity subsided but thereafter I never returned to the normal, oblivious state most people inhabit concerning the unseen world.

I have continued experiencing what, again, most people would call strange or paranormal on a regular basis. This, as you might imagine, has aided in my pursuit of magic while simultaneously posing some problems that require ongoing, sometimes above-and-beyond solution orientation.

When I first touched the real thing in terms of magical results, meaning when I began to produce undeniably magical results consistently and predictably, I found myself in an uncomfortable position. When results had been hodge podge and easily dismissed as coincidence, I never dealt with the implications of magic, as practiced by our ancestors, being truly possible.

Yes I believed, else I wouldn’t have started studying in the first place. What I came to realize, and to my surprise, however, was this: For those first years I had been merely engaging with an interesting possibility that made a fun hobby.

As it turned out I, like many others (most of whom leave the path) found the realization of magical truth quite challenging to my waking sanity. I’ll spare you the details and just say I got over it.

I’ve come to believe through personal experience and wisdom shared by others that magic is not an exceptional phenomenon, but rather it is the fundamental norm of our reality.

I’m still an empiricist to a degree and I advocate for more scientific literacy in our society. The idea that I should oppose the scientific method because its proponents disbelieve me or think I’m a quack is a non-starter for me.

Someday I hope physics and mysticism can be unified.

Whether or not that works out I understand that reality is not what we were told when we were young. Many of the things we are told are impossible are merely improbable or simply misunderstood.

I Have No Real Choice

In the end, after all this blabbing and whatnot, the bottom line is I share and to a small degree teach because it’s what I must do. I have no choice in the matter.

I am obligated by something just beyond my conscious grasp to share what I learn and uncover along my journey. I hope it serves you somehow and aids you on your path.