The Kamea of Saturn, or that planet’s magic square, is used for a wide range of magical operations pertaining to Saturn. It is also commonly used for sigil construction, as Saturn is a power linked to creation, manifestation, and form.

The general thinking is that by using the square of the planet of form, one can create a sigil that is imbued with or related closely to the magical processes by which things in the world are made manifest.

Using your basic numerology, assign letters to each number on the square. Next, choose a keyword or statement of intention. Finally, place a circle on the square of the number representing the first letter in your word or phrase and proceed to connect each subsequent letter with a line. Make a square or short horizontal line on the block of your last letter. Finally, tally the total numerology for your word or statement, reducing it properly to a number of 1 to 9, and draw a bold square around that number on the Kamea of Saturn to finalize your sigil and unleash the magic of Saturn towards bringing your intention into reality.