Natural Magic and Ritual Explained
First let’s unpack and clarify some of our terms for this operation. While this diddy is in itself esoteric magic it can be used prior to or within a practical magic setting if enhancing the solar aspect would improve results in said practical work. this spell can furthermore be used within either high or low…
Use this spell as your initiation into elemental magic, or as an esoteric exercise for experiencing and charging your energy matrix with the elemental qualities. In addition to the symbolic-unconscious gesture of initiation, this magic can provide you with a magical boost of elemental currents. Charging your energy bodies and aura thusly with all five…
Taken from the second pentacle of the sun, pentacle 33 in the Greater Key of Solomon, here are two symbols described as “mystical characters of the Sun” by MacGreggor Mathers in his editor’s notes. Draw and focus upon these symbols in a setting suitable for solar work. The goal here will be to gain an…
In the Key of Solomon the King, also called the Greater Key o Solomon, you will find 44 “pentacles” or disc-shaped talismans to be created from various materials, usually metal. These talismans are adorned with a plethora of planetary and angelic symbols in addition to divine names and bible verses written in various scripts. Let’s…
Here are just a few possible formats for a magic circle to be used for variant purposes. Using only the cross, pentagram, and/or hexagram one can set up a range of differently charged fields for magical working.
The pain of a deep heartache can be unbearable. This pain could be from a romantic breakup, the passing on of a dear one, or a number of other scenarios. This spell will help, even if only a little. Do this work on Friday if possible or on the hour of Venus. If you’re in…
We should understand, when we discuss the Goddess there is, if not a solitary universal power, at least one major power to which the other, similar archetypes and deities are mere forces to be directed. These lesser forces would be subservient to the Magnus Omnus Unus, or simply irrelevant in its wake. There may be…